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Suggestion Automated Prestige ladders


Active Member
When joining a town made by someone else part of the way you progress is through the owners creating a prestige system that rewards player for completing jobs and generally helping the town.
To make this system more friendly it needs more functionality and automation.
Owners should be able to put an amount of prestige that must be met for a player to then be automatically leveled through the town.
Prestige should also be able to be used in jobs like a gather quest, when the player meets a certain amount they can then turn in the job and receive rewards that the owner sets.
This would give greater incentive to help the town if there were goals to work towards that don't have to be constantly monitored by the owner as they would be automated.
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Beyond just having X prestige granting you X member level in the town, what else would you say this system could achieve. Would it just let you handle member promotions from level 2 through 4? I can't see people wanting things like subowner being earned by prestige gains.

What other things could it award? Titles perhaps I suppose is the other one?
The Idea would be that rather than X prestige giving you X member level the prestige system would become something that the owner could manipulate to perform multiple tasks as well as possibly being a method to auto level people and the auto leveling wouldn't be required just another feature that could be enabled, as i exampled in the post it could be used in a gather job where you gather X prestige to turn in the job for a reward. Tying things like titles to prestige would remove some of the uniqueness of some of them maybe they could be given as a reward for a job? that way the owner would have more control over more unique titles like 'Alchemist' for completing a potion brewing job (this kind of system might also be helped by having something tied to a job like how many times a player has completed a certain job to be able to earn the title). I want to be able to set up systems where i can have members purchase stuff using their prestige this could be done through jobs and gathering prestige presuming the prestige is removed afterwards. Maybe to have this in conjunction with the auto leveling it would require current and lifetime prestige categories.
What if you could automatically level up with prestige till a certain level (maybe 3) then when someone's gets enough to get subowner owners get sent a /mail to tell them that someone has got enough then they can decide if they think they are worthy of the rank.
What if you could automatically level up with prestige till a certain level (maybe 3) then when someone's gets enough to get subowner owners get sent a /mail to tell them that someone has got enough then they can decide if they think they are worthy of the rank.
I think generally Subowners are decided from personal trust or becoming friends with the owner themselves rather than simply doing things around town, though it's definitely a possibility.