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Banned without reason once again


Active Member
Banned: Appeal if you wish.
I am appealing because there is obviously no reason. Please un ban me.
You were warned against rude behavior Def, and I think this qualifies:

Permanent, as we were all instructed by Crypt. Def knew very well his next ban would be permanent.
Wait-I was here. No one warned Def that I saw. If it was in message, Okay. But I didn't see a warning. And people were being rude to Def before he was.
My best friend on Loka....best friend on Minecraft... is now banned.

Def...Loka truly won't be the same without you. One of the three things keeping me on Loka is now gone.

I promise you, I will achive the goal shared by us. I promise you that, Def, I promise you that.

You were right. You were so right. They found a reason to ban you. A stupid reason. I'm sorry, admins, but Def was right. Compleatly right.

I believe its time you tell All of Loka the truth. Tell them your view. The view shared by the honorable people who see the flaws.
If ever anyone were to ask for proof that the server's admins are now completely corrupt, they have it.

Banned for rude behavior and getting other people to leave the server. Speaking as someone who was present during virtually any and all conversations Def had in which he encouraged someone to leave, I can assure you he did not manage to plant an idea in anyone's mind that was not already there. The idea that I would have to justify that at all, though, is unbelievable.

Never has anyone considering a permaban even the remotest option for "rude behavior". Def was not shouting expletives in all caps, nor was he bullying anyone, and his rudeness was confined to arguing the (now ironically cemented) case that the server admins are wholly corrupt.

Conflicts on this server were for the longest time boiled down to PvP and some hostility when the two parties in chat. Now anyone who speaks out against the ruling clique is in danger of being permabanned.

No doubt I'll get some nice flaming for this post. It might even get deleted. What you can't delete is Def, or his voice, or the ideas he and everyone else who's tired of the corruption share.
I like def, but you can't say he wasn't warned. Being rude isn't a big deal, but telling people to leave is just as bad if not worse than advertising. Same desired effect with more malicious intent. I'll miss you def, but I can't say you didn't earn this one.
So... Def got banned for being rude and trying to get people to leave the server. I think being rude to other players is a reason to ban him, but in that instance, he wasn't really being rude. Def was sort of the joke of the server at that point; the old homeless guy yelling about the apocalypse. You don't really listen to him, but he does get annoying and if you get too close or give him too much information, he tries to mug you or break into your house.

That specific instance shouldn't have been what got him ban. Had he been swearing or trash talking other players, sure, but I don't really consider saying "you suck at taking hints" as an outright insult. If there had been another instance and he had been trash talking other players, but this is the only instance that was documented, then fine, I'm okay with the ban. If not, the server needs villains; it makes the server interesting.

Of course, a player who disappears every month and comes back for like a week isn't the best person to give advice on this, but if this is all it takes to get banned for "rudeness", then probably Zor, Gud, Art, bigpizza, Computern, the rest of the Alliance and Computernites (including me) would have probably been banned like, right after the destruction of Capital City.

EDIT: Also, if our current admins were corrupt, then Zor would have been banned after the "Ring of Fire" incident by Mop. The fact that Mop didn't ban him instantly afterwards and also that Zor, Gud, Big until he hacked, and I never got banned is a sign that the server has some sense of self-awareness and doesn't just throw banhammers and lightning bolts at players who are "disliked" by the community.

EDITO DOS: Okay, so he was an old homeless guy yelling about the apocalypse to people who aren't used to people shouting about the apocalypse, causing hysteria among said not-crazy people. I agree then, fair ban.
His general behaviour was starting to improve recently but he had been warned, and telling people to leave the server cannot be tolerated. This nonsense about admins being corrupt is ridiculous. These people do a lot of work for the server to improve the experience for others. It is not an easy task and is often not fun, yet they do it none the less. Some make bad decisions now and again but we are all human and all make mistakes. If any player has an issue with specific admins they can inform either me crypt or asymp and appropriate action will be taken. If they have an issue with a specific way the server works, they can suggest a problem and a solution to it on the forums. Things don't get resolved by revolting, this is not France. :P
As far as telling people to leave the server, in this case it was someone who had been here a while, but in most he is talking to brand new players who have just joined the server. If he had been a Wanderer we would've banned him long ago, but due to his commitment to the server we gave him many, many chances.
I don't think def should have perm banned maybe for a month ish? By the way the pics sounds def was being more sarcastic by saying 'leave the game if you enjoy it' but could be considered rude sarcasm but I don't think it should of went to perm banned but like I said a month maybe to start then if it continues then do what you Gata do.
He's been tempbanned before and has received multiple warnings privately. He was fully aware that this "sarcasm" of his would result in a permanent ban from the server if it continued (and it did). Sorry Josh, but this is not going to be removed or reduced. Anyone who actively tells players they should leave this server because apparently we are trash or abusive or whatever will share the same fate.

[Heavy italian accent]
You dun like us...? Dun play wit us. Plenty of servers out there fo you to choose from. Capiche?

Now be a dear and get me some chawklates.
