So... Def got banned for being rude and trying to get people to leave the server. I think being rude to other players is a reason to ban him, but in that instance, he wasn't really being rude. Def was sort of the joke of the server at that point; the old homeless guy yelling about the apocalypse. You don't really listen to him, but he does get annoying and if you get too close or give him too much information, he tries to mug you or break into your house.
That specific instance shouldn't have been what got him ban. Had he been swearing or trash talking other players, sure, but I don't really consider saying "you suck at taking hints" as an outright insult. If there had been another instance and he had been trash talking other players, but this is the only instance that was documented, then fine, I'm okay with the ban. If not, the server needs villains; it makes the server interesting.
Of course, a player who disappears every month and comes back for like a week isn't the best person to give advice on this, but if this is all it takes to get banned for "rudeness", then probably Zor, Gud, Art, bigpizza, Computern, the rest of the Alliance and Computernites (including me) would have probably been banned like, right after the destruction of Capital City.
EDIT: Also, if our current admins were corrupt, then Zor would have been banned after the "Ring of Fire" incident by Mop. The fact that Mop didn't ban him instantly afterwards and also that Zor, Gud, Big until he hacked, and I never got banned is a sign that the server has some sense of self-awareness and doesn't just throw banhammers and lightning bolts at players who are "disliked" by the community.
EDITO DOS: Okay, so he was an old homeless guy yelling about the apocalypse to people who aren't used to people shouting about the apocalypse, causing hysteria among said not-crazy people. I agree then, fair ban.