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No Plans to Implement Block Low Ping


Well-Known Member
When you have a broken vase, you don't repair it with a hammer.

That is what you're trying to do, exasperate the problem.


Well-Known Member
  • Close unnecessary background applications/windows/processes.
  • Update your internet driver.
  • Restart and/or update your device.
  • Clear/Flush your DNS.
  • Defragment your hard drive.
  • Move closer to your router.
  • Clear your cache.
  • Change application bandwidth priority.
  • Use an Ethernet cord.

    Most of these are normal processes everyone should be doing already and on a weekly basis. Negligence shouldn't be an excuse to keep gameplay unfair. It is also worth mentioning all of these don't require you to move where you live or play. All, with the exception of Ethernet cords (which are as low as $2.99 USD!), are free and simple tasks to complete. Also, nothing is ethically wrong with any of these options; the only ethical concern I have is that you think unfair gameplay is right.
none of these affect people who live halfway across the world. all of us have played ranked and while a lot of us have complained no one has ever just straight up said remove people with over x amount of ping. thats diabolical you would be removing well around 50% of the playerbase. not everyone is na or close na/eu