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bracelets of power


Active Member
JocelynReed said:
Question, in theory

If energy can be pulled from the artifact for good....
Can negative energy be pulled for evil...perhaps to awaken the mad ones?

Create more outlaws?

From the destruction of the old world up until the fairly recent events with the articifes it was believed that the artifact no longer possessed any power. There have been a few things since those recent events, however, that suggest it may still have some. Also, I imagine that any mad people hiding on the old world were destroyed along with it when Preksak's bomb exploded.


Staff member
Artagan said:
any mad people hiding on the old world were destroyed along with it when Preksak's bomb exploded.

You can never be too sure about those kinds of things.


To correct myself Joc - You cannot draw on the power of the artifact itself for good but on nature for the "good" natural magic.

From what we know the artifact itself is sinister by nature - yet the world is not. They are connected but are not one and the same.