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BrotherNumberOne Ban Appeal

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New Member
IGN- BrotherNumberOne
Reason for ban: Avoiding SS (hacking)

My original ban appeal (September 29th 2021) was denied and since then I have had a lot more time to think about my ban from loka mc. I would like a second chance on loka as I have friends who id love to help and support on the server, and I have no way of doing so right now. Once again I am sorry to sku whos time i wasted with my original ban, as I kept dodging his offer for a screenshare. In my first ban appeal I did admit to hacking, and I havent done anything like that since. That was my only offense on Loka MC, and would really appreciate a second chance.

edit: original ban appeal: https://forums.lokamc.com/threads/brothernumberone-arsoni5t-ban-appeal.5526/


Old One
Staff member
Old One
It has been over a year and half since your ban, so we are willing to give you another chance and lift the ban. Please read through our rules carefully so you do not get yourself in trouble again.
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