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No Plans to Implement Change Doxxing Rules

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Our rules are clear on doxxing. There is no gray area on this because while you may choose to share info about yourself - especially pictures - in a public area, this does not mean you give full consent for people to share that around. So, I want to be clear and quite blunt - do NOT share (or rather, STOP sharing) pictures of yourself on the internet. It is plainly a dumb thing to do and people will abuse it.

The reason why this is black and white is because we have absolutely zero desire to try to evaluate every doxxing incident based on whether it was "okay or not"; whether a picture of a player was shared in private, among friends, in a group chat, or on a public discord. Knowing this, if there's any takeaway from my post, is that:

1: Stop posting pics of yourself in #face-reveal channels, or on the internet unless it is absolutely among people you trust.
2: Just because someone does, this does not suddenly grant you the freedom to share that anywhere you like. As was pointed out in this thread, doxxing is sharing identifiable information. This means we do not care how or why it was obtained.

So while we try to judge circumstances on an individual bases for most of our rules, with doxxing and bullying we are black and white. So basically, stop it.
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