New Member
(In before, sorry for my terrible english, I'd be glad to clarify anything you don't understand)
I came up this morning with some ideas in my mind that I don't know how can fit in the actual Loka system, about some mechanics changes in territory fights or towning systems. I expect this to be a hard developing and testing work, but hey, I'd just like to toss 'em over here and see what you think about it.
1st: Bringing roles to territory fights.
I tried to train some PvP in servers with armor/weapons sets, and since I'm used to games with army/fleet roles, I find a good point in bringing the same style to territory fights.
People in territory fights could get any role, to mention some, vanguards, rogues, archers, support, defense... All of them with different armor sets and enchants, different weapons, potions... It's more like using the brain from the generals in each side and capacities of every soldier.
As an optional point, people can be set up as engineers or scouts, based on gathering intel or preparing the terrain while the inhibitor is being activated.
Plus, bringing different talents or special rules to each role, such as VotA has.
I know theres a big con in this: People won't be able to use their god gear here. I have nothing to say about this, actually. Creating a "Hero" role to allow only one player each side bring their god stuff, maybe? I don't know. I feel like more leaving god stuff for raiding and overworld fights.
2nd: Setting up trading powers
When I joined Loka, I was sticked into market and trading system, and since the beginning I always wanted to set up a trading power instead of being through the continents doing PvP non-stop.
I'm just thinking that a biome ownership can be ruled according to trading the products that biome produces. The more traded products from that particular biome you have conquered, the higher chance to have control over it.
Last but not least, trading activities can bring small amounts of town strenght (capped? Losing strenght for trading inactivity? Not sure about how to balance this part). Maybe a trading town skill with an industry?
Also, a small detail about embargoes: I would appreciate any clarification about the current system and why has been planned like that. This is because I find a bit annoying for new and small towns to not have access to embargoed items. I think embargos should affect other continents and nomdads, but no towns in the same continent. This is why I would like to know what made devs to set embargoes like this current status.
3rd: Protectorates
My last suggestion is about implementing a new model of alliance: Protectorates.
Protectorates as definition: A small individual (not part of an alliance) town being protected by a way stronger town (such as continent capital) or alliance of towns, IN ANOTHER CONTINENT. The protecting town can assist the protectorate in defensive fights, but not in attacks.
There is no strenght to be added to any town, nothing else but requesting deffensive reinforcements. More mechanics to be added to this point? Not sure. This is more like a foundation of an idea.
Cons: Tons of protectorates for the same town (Cap the number of protectorates to 1? 1 each continent?), no possibility of joining an alliance for the protectorate...
Well, these are the ideas I had so far today. Discuss, and have a good day everyone!
I came up this morning with some ideas in my mind that I don't know how can fit in the actual Loka system, about some mechanics changes in territory fights or towning systems. I expect this to be a hard developing and testing work, but hey, I'd just like to toss 'em over here and see what you think about it.
1st: Bringing roles to territory fights.
I tried to train some PvP in servers with armor/weapons sets, and since I'm used to games with army/fleet roles, I find a good point in bringing the same style to territory fights.
People in territory fights could get any role, to mention some, vanguards, rogues, archers, support, defense... All of them with different armor sets and enchants, different weapons, potions... It's more like using the brain from the generals in each side and capacities of every soldier.
As an optional point, people can be set up as engineers or scouts, based on gathering intel or preparing the terrain while the inhibitor is being activated.
Plus, bringing different talents or special rules to each role, such as VotA has.
I know theres a big con in this: People won't be able to use their god gear here. I have nothing to say about this, actually. Creating a "Hero" role to allow only one player each side bring their god stuff, maybe? I don't know. I feel like more leaving god stuff for raiding and overworld fights.
2nd: Setting up trading powers
When I joined Loka, I was sticked into market and trading system, and since the beginning I always wanted to set up a trading power instead of being through the continents doing PvP non-stop.
I'm just thinking that a biome ownership can be ruled according to trading the products that biome produces. The more traded products from that particular biome you have conquered, the higher chance to have control over it.
Last but not least, trading activities can bring small amounts of town strenght (capped? Losing strenght for trading inactivity? Not sure about how to balance this part). Maybe a trading town skill with an industry?
Also, a small detail about embargoes: I would appreciate any clarification about the current system and why has been planned like that. This is because I find a bit annoying for new and small towns to not have access to embargoed items. I think embargos should affect other continents and nomdads, but no towns in the same continent. This is why I would like to know what made devs to set embargoes like this current status.
3rd: Protectorates
My last suggestion is about implementing a new model of alliance: Protectorates.
Protectorates as definition: A small individual (not part of an alliance) town being protected by a way stronger town (such as continent capital) or alliance of towns, IN ANOTHER CONTINENT. The protecting town can assist the protectorate in defensive fights, but not in attacks.
So, let's say: Hilo (Kalros) wants to be a protectorate of The Covenant (Ascalon). Since Hilo is not part of an alliance, can be protected by Covenant. If, for some reason, Asmund attacks Hilo, The Covenant can go help without the need of requesting reinforcements. If Hilo were attacking Asmund, they must have to request reinforcements as usual.
There is no strenght to be added to any town, nothing else but requesting deffensive reinforcements. More mechanics to be added to this point? Not sure. This is more like a foundation of an idea.
Cons: Tons of protectorates for the same town (Cap the number of protectorates to 1? 1 each continent?), no possibility of joining an alliance for the protectorate...
Well, these are the ideas I had so far today. Discuss, and have a good day everyone!