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Dae_ Unban Appeal 2

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Active Member
Hello my name is Dae_. 1 year, 1 month and 14 days ago I was banned for Harassment & Hate Speech on the 8th of June 2023. I previously appealed 3 months ago -
(link to this appeal)

current IGN: catgirldae

Before I begin this appeal, I'd like to touch on something which was mentioned in the response to my last appeal - this being the alt attempt. This was an accident, which I take entire responsibility for and am incredibly apologetic to staff time wasted due to the negligence on my part of this situation. Two months after my ban I was playing a server on an alt, and due to my Loka ban being somewhat recent I still had LokaMC in my server list. This lead to me accidentally clicking on it while trying to log onto a different server, while I understand this is can be somewhat farfetched to believe, there was a Guardian in my vc and I was screensharing at the time. Staff were aware of this after my last appeal and this has been clarified, I am only mentioning this on this appeal so that the players deciding their own +1's or -1's can be aware of the entire situation to the best of my ability. If you have any further questions I am fully willing to dm you and explain it in further detail or clarify any misconceptions.

Within the past 3 months, I have began reintroducing myself to the Loka community, whether that be through alliance discords or through the Pot PvP Community. I won't pretend as if I'm perfect 100% of the time, that's not possible and I do slip up sometimes. The main difference between now and before I was banned however is that I understand when to take accountability and apologise for my mistakes when they happen and to take the game much less seriously than I did before. Situations where I would say disgusting things over Minecraft do not happen anymore, and will not happen ever again and I'm glad to be able to say that. I understand some people will still have bad opinions of me, and just as I said in my prior appeal I am more than happy to apologise for the actions I've taken and the mistakes I've made instead of those being bottled up and held against me. I want to create a new perception of myself for people and that's what I've attempted to do within recent months - I hope I have been successful in this and I hope people who I've interacted with can see the change I've made.

I've talked a lot in both appeals about why I think I should be unbanned, however I would also like to tell you all why I want to be unbanned. Since just before my ban I've been working on a build project that I've wanted to introduce to Loka. As some people know prior to my mute on Loka I was an LCR and one thing I've always hugely advocated for is building and PVE/Lore on Loka, I believe it's the thing that makes Loka the amazing server it is and it's something I feel incredibly passionate about adding onto myself. I am currently in the works of creating a lore/history behind my town which I can hopefully implement further into other aspects of Loka and its broad history. This is truthfully the main reason I want to be unbanned so that I can explore the parts of Loka I neglected while I used to play, instead of focusing on PvP I'd like to enjoy the other aspects Loka has to offer.
(images of the build here)

No matter how my appeal is responded to, I hope everyone reading this appeal can recognise the attempt I have made to redeem myself as a person and can at the very least give me a chance at displaying the change I've made on Loka. Thank you for reading!

dm me on discord (dqe_) if you have any questions.

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+1 dae is reformed asf i have been friends with him since before he was banned chill asf he has improved for the better and has been with me for over a year my goat <3


+1 dae is REFORMED i remember him from polaris and he was something else... ive vced with him about everyday now and he is one of the nicest guys ive vced with and im proud to call him a friend


New Member
I don't usually write in the forum but I believe this time should be the exception. Dae has improved greatly as a person since the time of his ban and i'm a witness of that.



Well-Known Member
+1 kind soul who has done alot for loka mc and the loka mc community and i have known him for a long time and he is very kind and nice and a great person and i think hes a cool guy and hes a kind lokan also


Well-Known Member
+1 i have talked a couple times with dae after his ban and i can say he has reformed, great guy and deserves to be unbanned.


New Member
+1 he saved me from a burning building and thats why im alive now i think he is reformed and reformed he is nice and should be let back onto loka REFORMED free dae_ he is perfect and awesome and reformed and reformed
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