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Dragon Powers


Recently many people have been seen flying around spawn. It is believed that this is a result of "Dragon Powers". Some believe that the dragons were brought over with the obelisk as a result of the Artifact malfunction. Others believe that dragons have migrated to feed on the blight. Many have noticed awful stench that has previously been attributed to dragons. Also, random instances of destruction have been appearing and disappearing at spawn.
Have you seen or been given dragon powers on loka?
Have you seen dragons?
How will we remove these pests?
Are they too dumb to do us any harm?

Sketch of Dragon as drawn by mopb3

The Destruction


Also let me know if any of you would be interested in taking dragon hunting classes. Considering their extremely low intelligence and laziness they shouldn't pose too much of a threat, but those who call themselves "dragon callers" should be prepared as these filthy creatures are short tempered and can catch you off guard if you aren't careful.
I'm just sharing the important lore information to everyone on Loka. Do you not like dragons? If so I suggest that you not read posts titled Dragon Powers.
It's obvious that this is ushering in the update for dragon jockeys. Stock up on saddles people, because the coming update will make Eragon look like child's play.

Better do something early though, or they'll just overrun us. I propose the forming of a group, the Dragon Highlords. It'll take some adjusting but I think we have the upper hand. Then we can reap the treasures these things hide away. I hear it's a mecca of gold blocks.
Good point Master, does anyone have any good cage designs for holding dragons? I want an extra small one so my pet dragons can't move around too much.
For your information, Dragons are WAY smarter then humans, they do't bother humans, and if you should harm a dragon, the Callers shall find you. Psy, for your own good, as well as the people of Loka, you had better stop. I may not give you away, but the others will find you. Psy, you need to stop.
That sounds effective. Maybe use the old autofarm design to drop water on it, like spraying small dogs with a water bottle but on a larger scale...
All of you, stop.

You're making a terrible mistake.

What you think is funny now, will result in much shame later.

You're not just making fun of me, or dragons.

I'll give you a fair warning:

For you own good, you need to stop. Stop

I'm sorry jedi I understand that dragons deserve respect. We will only kill them if they look at us funny. If they do anything else or if we're just having a bad day we can use something like this.
Please stop making fun of me. Psy, I've told you before, and I'll tell you again: You are capable of goodness. You can do better things then this, then making fun of other players. You get to choose your own path, and if that path is the one that is mean to others, that makes others feel bad, then let it be so. But I know that doesn't have to be. You can choose a road where people look up to you, for the amazing, kind things you have done. You can be a good person. All you have to do is make that desision: I will be a good person. All you have to do is choose that path. Choose the path that you believe is yours. And if thats that path of bullying and being mean, go down that path. but, will you regret it later?
Goodnight, and think about what I said.

You, Psychedelic98, are capable of goodness. Will you choose that path?
I'm sorry jedi. I didn't mean to make fun of you. I just really hate dragons. I really like you, but if we're going to be friends you're going to have to give up dragon calling and join me as a dragon hunter. If you want to make the wrong choice, that's ok and I respect your decision, but if you do I will kill you over and over and raid all of your stuff. I hope we can be good friends jedi.