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Dragon Powers

Cryptite said:
MinecraftJedi127 said:
if that path is the one that is mean to others, that makes others feel bad, then let it be so.

This has been and always will be Psy's path.

He, and only he, has the power to change his path. None can choose it for him, but people can sure influence his desision. If Psy wants to change his path, he can. He can always change what he believes is right. And its not just me who believes Psy can be good. Some people have told me "He sometimes can be helpful." Psy, You've helped coolluke2001, haloreach0367, and I when we were raided. You decided to choose the path of goodness for a while, you've helped Def. Crypt, He can change his path. He is not binded to thr path of Darkness.
Psychedelic98 said:
I'm sorry jedi. I didn't mean to make fun of you. I just really hate dragons. I really like you, but if we're going to be friends you're going to have to give up dragon calling and join me as a dragon hunter. If you want to make the wrong choice, that's ok and I respect your decision, but if you do I will kill you over and over and raid all of your stuff. I hope we can be good friends jedi.

I would like to be your friend Psy, but you can't make me change my path. You know, even by taking the dark path you're doing good things. People on Loka see you as a classic "bad guy". You give them a vilan for their tales. But you could do much more then this. Think about it.
I can't be a good person if you aren't going to be good with me. How can you tell me about my wrongs when you associate yourself with the most evil beings? We can help each other walk the path of good, we can get rid of these terrible creatures. I can't make the decision for you, you have to do it on your own. Think about it.
I would help you fight evil, but dragons are not evil.

I may be associated with an evil, but not as friends.
Thats a secert for another day....
Dragons are the most evil creatures in existence. When I was young, I was bullied by dragons. They pushed me around and called me 2 legs and always blew fire on my homework. I quickly flunked out of school and the only place that would accept me was the hunters guild. We didnt do much other than kill pigs in HC but I pretended they were dragons. I vowed to one day make my own dragon hunters guild and due to the recent spike in dragon activity I see now as a great opportunity. Join me and help me rid loka of this great evil.
:cry: I try to help you.
I get insulted.
I try yelling at you to stop.
I get insulted.
I try the most powerful thing: Belif. Belif that you can do the right thing. Belif in the goodness in you.
I get insulted.
I tell you that you can be a good person, that you could be a role model, someone who people look up to. I defend you. Tell others that you're a better person then they percive.
And guass what?
I get insulted.

Stop at least for today, please. Its been dificult. You try being in the middleof a war between your two best friends, each trying to get you on their side fighting the other person. :(
Please, stop just today.
MinecraftJedi127 said:
I try the most powerful thing: Belif. Belif that you can do the right thing. Belif in the goodness in you.

Okay, two days I worked on this:

You walk the path of wrong,
the one you've walked so long,
yet you know what is right
why don't you see the light?

Others think you can't chage your mind,
but they soon will find,
the choice is yours,
you could open doors.
Who's to say what's good and bad?
No one knows the experience I've had
How can you say that I'm not good
Perhaps my actions are misunderstood

Why open doors
That's been done before
TNT opens walls
Fuck dragons
I agree. I hate this thread so much. This is not lore, this is being mean to Jedi.
I feel myself... becoming... more ignorant.... and... cheesy.... ARRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!
