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dreadhead/aliitsme Ban Appeal

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+1 he is really nice from what ive seen, Never thought he would be one to doxx or be anywhere near those type of things... But the appeal is a bit early


New Member
i know why hurdsellfan would -1 he hates me on a real life level.
but phantic? never talked to you a day in my life and your -1 ing me for no reason
totally didnt email my college less then a year ago over a beef on a different server and doxx me countless times during said server


New Member
Sooo is this the ban reason?
no i was just saying i -1ed since hes claiming its cause i hate him when in reality its cause i dont doubt he doxxed someone based on his past

edit: speaking to aliitsme it cant be the other server situation since it was way before the timeframe stated
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Well-Known Member
It's way too early to appeal. Also, replying to every -1 is just pointless, you're digging your own grave and making it harder to get unbanned in future appeals. Everyone can share their own opinion without you having to talk down to them.



Active Member
+1 I have known Ali for a year and he is really a peaceful person, I have never seen him being toxic to anyone so I velieve Its a false ban and unpopular idea: maybe it is a name confusion like Barend110


New Member
+1 i know him for a year and he has never done anything that can get him banned. He is extremely friendly towards everyone
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