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dylandadyno for Slicer

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Well-Known Member
Hello hello! So, ya'll know dylandadyno? Part of Santa's town? Well, I was talking to to him a few weeks ago when he was helping me build a community farm near Spawn. He had told me he'd played for a couple months, (like 6 or 7). When talking to him again recently, I relized he was not a Slicer yet, and he's active, kind, helpful, and welcoming of new players, I sorta wondered why he wasn't one yet. I think he would make a great Slicer, which is why I'm talking to you today. So, dylandadyno for Slicer?
He's a nice guy, but he doesn't have a forum account yet, which I'm pretty sure is a requirement (along with participating in it a bit).
andrekeroxd said:
he doesn't have a forum account yet, which I'm pretty sure is a requirement.

Not necessarily a requirement, but it does tend to show a greater interest in the community and the server when you are a somewhat regular forum-goer.
He seems like a cool guy, well rounded and all that good stuff. Sure thing, have some support.
Cryptite said:
andrekeroxd said:
he doesn't have a forum account yet, which I'm pretty sure is a requirement.

Not necessarily a requirement, but it does tend to show a greater interest in the community and the server when you are a somewhat regular forum-goer.

Guess who has a forum account now?

I might of suggested he get one.
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