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ender pearls


New Member
Seems that there is no raiding allowed on loka any more, We should be able too have ender pears active, I know i would play alot more if they worked same with josh once he gets internet ;) it would all together make loka better for building, pvp, and exploring. (and the end back too)
We've been tossing this around in the other thread.

(The end is disabled whether pearls are active or not, isn't it..?)
MasterTargaryen said:
We've been tossing this around in the other thread.

(The end is disabled whether pearls are active or not, isn't it..?)
yes but if he had the end we could get ender pears much easier :P
They are hard enough to obtain.
They would be used to get into towns.
Towns would have tidier and more protective buildings. People would try to hide their stuff.
More fun stalking people.
it would help alot when building large structures.

Even more raiding would happen.
Towns that have wall 50 blocks away from its boarder, now will be accessible by enderpearls. Before even tnt cannons and bridges couldnt reach them.

So i support this idea. More vanilla minecraft it will be then.

But they should be nerfed... in the throw distance range or something. it might be too OP if its just percet in everything.
I think adding ender pearls would be a good compromise. But if you are a veteran mob slayer, like me, who with the right sword can kill 2 stacks of ender pearl worth in endermen in 2 weeks just it get a head and make a tonne of ender chest the pearls are not that hard to obtain.

I also want the end to be enabled to get end stone and a dragon egg.
unlimitedbul said:
Towns that have wall 50 blocks away from its boarder, now will be accessible by enderpearls. Before even tnt cannons and bridges couldnt reach them.

Cannons could easily breech from that distance.

Again, I'm in support of pearls. Perhaps the end, with the dragon reset monthly? Maybe that could promote a unified server event to kill the dragon.
Thieflord304 said:
Kill Def, Kill Def, Kill Def! Although..I already have..several times ;).

Way to support a non-violent, healthy community, Thief...

I'm leaning towards allowing enderpearl usage, and I wholeheartedly agree with bringing back the End.
Leasaur said:
Thieflord304 said:
Kill Def, Kill Def, Kill Def! Although..I already have..several times ;).

Way to support a non-violent, healthy community, Thief...

I'm leaning towards allowing enderpearl usage, and I wholeheartedly agree with bringing back the End.
How is this community non-violent anyways? Do you even know what community you're in?
I'm all for enderpearls, however, endstone, is a complete no, UNLESS Crypt makes the end restore periodically. I don't know about everyone else, but I'm big enough a jerk to mine all the endstone so that no one else gets it. I know a couple other people who would probably help me do this.

I'm not sure how I feel about being able to build in the end, this would permit players to build very nice grinders which would probably make enderpearl-ing around the Number 1 entry method. However, if you can't build, or there is a periodical reset, it might discourage players from doing so, therefore increasing the rarity of enderpearls.
I could certainly see myself preventing endstone from being mineable if/when the End was activated.
Is it possible to make the end, well, endless like the nether. Just have it glinting on forever like a normal demension so we never hav to reset the the end and there would be plenty of stone for all. I see that there is so building in the end, just pre built safey structures and portals.
Lazuli73 said:
Is it possible to make the end, well, endless like the nether. Just have it glinting on forever like a normal demension so we never hav to reset the the end and there would be plenty of stone for all. I see that there is so building in the end, just pre built safey structures and portals.