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Englxnd for Slicer


New Member
Where do I begin? Englxnd is super helpful and knowledge. From all the new recruits she helps bring to LokaMc and nourish them to be the best versions of themselves, She is without a doubt an excellent choice for slicer.
PS: she's also very beautiful
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New Member
+1 what a kind fellow who loves telling people how Keep Yourself Safe Englxnd is just the perfect candidate for the slicer role! Long live Antiaris!!!!!!!!!!!!

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View attachment 11449
Alright buddy, if everyone were to bring up screenshots from months ago; half of loka will be banned. Also this is a private friend group chat. Your really gonna sit here and act like your a saint in private DM's with friends. Englxnd is a great choice for Slicer. She's done a lot to bring in new players and teach them the ways of Loka.