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Famous Lokan Quotes

"A story where even George R.R Martin will think it's too much.... I propose to Jedi, and she displays her true feelings for her Senpai, and then Mox kills me, then Crew shows his real love for Mid by killing Anna and Mox. Then there's a three day war between Dellsmite and Dragostei which ends when Jedi and Art get married. Oh yeah and then Hyhu leaves John and fights the ghost-me for Crew." -Midgamerx
"A story where even George R.R Martin will think it's too much.... I propose to Jedi, and she displays her true feelings for her Senpai, and then Mox kills me, then Crew shows his real love for Mid by killing Anna and Mox. Then there's a three day war between Dellsmite and Dragostei which ends when Jedi and Art get married. Oh yeah and then Hyhu leaves John and fights the ghost-me for Crew." -Midgamerx

"Okay I'll watch the caps. It hasn't done anything yet. Maybe if I touch it. OOH it started glowing." -Midgamerx
"You can't even house bro." -Mid, Chubbs, Ron, Jenna, also used by Anna, Crazy, Jedi, Makayla and most people in the Dellsmite call.
"Did you know that there is a squel to CaptainSparklez's Fallen Fingdom?" Lottaine's boyfriend.
"Yea, it's called Take Back the Night..." Me.
"No it's not that..."
"It's take back the night."
What I wanted to say was "I am not suggesting it's Take Back the Night, I am telling you it's Take Back the Night."
"So sheep drop meat now." -Jedi
"Cool. Can we eat Art now? *laughs*" -Crew
*Everyone else in call laughs so hard*
"I feel like you've confused Art and Zor." -Jedi
"Oh. We can eat Zor then." -Crew
"I think that's all Art will eat." -I forgot.


"Anna can I be subowner?"
"No dark"
"Why not?"
"You're mean."
"Thank you."
"You're welcome.
"You'd just look at a bunch of random words and every once and a while find a phase like 'death ray nosed dolphin" and you wouldn't know what to do with it because it's just so stupid and you'd stare at the page, and wonder what collection of idiots made this, and throw it into the lava." -Midgamerx (The collection of idiots are the Dellsmite Cakkers xD)
"If you've got nothing else in life.... embrace the stupid and go for it." -Midgamerx