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Famous Lokan Quotes

"I would walk to your house like I do everyday, but instead of ruffling your hair and stealing your cookies, I would rip your face off and wear it as a mask." -Midgamerx. Again.
"No the Lannisters are great. Especially Joffrey. He's a wise elder ruler. He's loved by all, not just his mom." -Mid. I yelled at him afterwards.
I like Joffrey, that is a cool name. He sounds so cynical, such a malevolent guy you just can't help but love him. <3
If the titanic happened today it would be like:
Titanic: "I came in like a wrecking ball"
Iceberg: "u wot m8?"
Titanic: "All i wanted was to be un-sink-a-ble".
If the titanic happened today it would be like:
Titanic: "I came in like a wrecking ball"
Iceberg: "u wot m8?"
Titanic: "All i wanted was to be un-sink-a-ble".
"No, Captain Canada is better." -Jedi and Crazy
"Jedi, you're not even Canadian." -Art
Jedi: I'm eating a peach. It's very sweet. Like candy, but better.
Crazy: you should eat sugar.
Mid: you should snort a few lines to blow.
Crazy: lol
Mid: how are you eating the peach?
Jedi: with my teeth.
Crazy: *jedi be like jk, i eating it with a fork.
"So he said, "What do you call cheese that isn't yours?"
And I said, "I know! That's a cheesy joke!" -Jedi
Later, "I'm unblocking it." -Jedi
"You're unblocking it? Get in, un Munecraft?" -Mox
"Haha. Is this the era if cheesy jokes?" -Jedi
"Yep. It's Gouda for everyone!" -Mox
"The way I see it one could say that New Zealand is 17 hours ahead of us Canadians BUT you could also say that the Kiwis are 7 hours behind us Canucks AND one day in the future."