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Consider Implementing Fishing Buff (With A Sprinkle of Salt)

My main point is more of it feels off theme and that a buff should be more directed to Conquest honestly since that is how its earned

well it does tie to pvp, mending is "Vital" and "important" in conquest so that you can more easily repair armor. winning the fishing tournament means you have more mending
My main point is more of it feels off theme and that a buff should be more directed to Conquest honestly since that is how its earned
To me, the fishing comp. seems more entertaining because you can be on a track pad with 4 fps and still manage to win and get a cool tag and a super pricey book and all that. I see where pear is coming from and have to agree. In a world where crits matter most, it's kind of nice to have those competitions that don't require pvp, as a whole lot of us just don't fight well. Fishing comps are one of those places you can win without the space bar, and I think adding a fish buff for the best fighter, small as that buff may be, takes away from that mindset.
I just want to start off by saying it is a very well written post and I love the discussion this has created both on discord and here on the forums. Having everyone talking and throwing ideas in the hat is awesome and very healthy for the server.

The main point to your argument was as follows:
You should be rewarded in an area for excelling in that area

I'd like to focus the discussion on this for now because it affects how Loka is designed going forward. Up to now Loka has almost had the opposite view to this statement when it comes to design. We are very wary of 'win more' mechanics and getting a reward that helps the thing you have done the best in, often allows you to snowball. This quickly reaches a point where others feel they can no longer beat you in that area because you have so many advantages. This is the very reason we have tried to make capital policies and buffs not effect conquest in a major way. (i.e not providing them better modules or faster respawn times) It's also why we have made xp and consequently 'god gear' relatively easy to obtain. It gives new towns/players a chance to compete against established towns by removing one of the barriers to entry, gear.

The buffs I am most concerned about are those that directly impact conquest and that are also on a very high power level. Things such as gaining an economic advantage through taxes or double dock blocks are fine imo, but there does reach a point (and maybe double mob drops is it) where the power level is so high it becomes a problematic 'win more' mechanic.

Equally you have to balance this with making the incentives for winning in a given area impactful and exciting enough to encourage players to strive for. So it's a tricky thing to balance.

Bonus question: How do you feel about perks such as the fishing one as a capital or world capital policy?
2x behead chance and 50% chance of not consumer an epearl: Great for showing off and resouce management. Statistically makes your epearls a stack of 32 (give or take for the good/bad luck)

Not quite. It is a 50% chance not a 100% chance meaning that only 50% of pearls we be saved. Statistically it would mean 24 for a stack.​
I just want to start off by saying it is a very well written post and I love the discussion this has created both on discord and here on the forums. Having everyone talking and throwing ideas in the hat is awesome and very healthy for the server.

The main point to your argument was as follows:

I'd like to focus the discussion on this for now because it affects how Loka is designed going forward. Up to now Loka has almost had the opposite view to this statement when it comes to design. We are very wary of 'win more' mechanics and getting a reward that helps the thing you have done the best in, often allows you to snowball. This quickly reaches a point where others feel they can no longer beat you in that area because you have so many advantages. This is the very reason we have tried to make capital policies and buffs not effect conquest in a major way. (i.e not providing them better modules or faster respawn times) It's also why we have made xp and consequently 'god gear' relatively easy to obtain. It gives new towns/players a chance to compete against established towns by removing one of the barriers to entry, gear.

The buffs I am most concerned about are those that directly impact conquest and that are also on a very high power level. Things such as gaining an economic advantage through taxes or double dock blocks are fine imo, but there does reach a point (and maybe double mob drops is it) where the power level is so high it becomes a problematic 'win more' mechanic.

Equally you have to balance this with making the incentives for winning in a given area impactful and exciting enough to encourage players to strive for. So it's a tricky thing to balance.

Bonus question: How do you feel about perks such as the fishing one as a capital or world capital policy?
Yeah I'm aware of how hard it must be to balance such things. In all honesty I don't find the tile(s) that I have issues with to be overpowered but feel it should be more of a choice thing through policies rather than territories. Also am aware that if a tile buff gets moved to a policy that it means that we need a new tile buff. Honestly the discussion that has lead from this post has far surpassed any ideas that I initially had.

Perhaps as a tile buff (if it hasn't been thought of) is an extra policy? This does alter other things but its still an idea, follow my mentality of throw things at a wall and have people that know better tell me whether or not something sticks.

But back to the bonus question: I think that it would be a great choice as a policy so people can either min/max their towns or roleplay their towns! Say the alliance says they're master fishermen so they go for fishing buff or they see themselves as being masters of trading and they get more from dock block. (Obviously this assumes those become policies instead but still). Or people go with what is actually strongest for what they need. Also have to keep in mind that policies come and go only once a month rather than any possible time you're vulnerable to attack.

I feel like I may not have actually said anything substantial right now because I currently have the alliance discord in my ear about other things so sorry about this possibly being hard to read :P

But regardless of if anything truly comes out of this post I'm just glad to have opened up discussion for everyone. Encourages people to think and get creative ;P