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Fourth Era


Well-Known Member
adderman500 said:
Gud how do u know we were robbed "3/4" of the time by newbs? Maybe a tiny bit, like in any town, but alot of the time, nah not really...
Yeah, its mostly grudges XD


You know what'd be nice? A flame check. This entire topic just became a piece of garbage because of one sentence. Yeah. Announcing the server hit a "new era" is irrelevant compared to the oh so wonderful flamings of a bunch of whining brats flaming each other. Looooovely.


Well-Known Member
I vote we start this post up again. Sadly we are in tense times, and this kinda thing happens alot. It kinda shows we need a new era. In fact, why not go make a new wiki page nou? I think this flame has basically sealed the vote for a new era of war, tension, and misery for the peaceful.


Staff member
I can say that while we 'define' the ages of the server ourselves, something as big as an age-change needs to be precursored by some sort of event. Asy is usually always down for changes, but he very much likes for there to always be a REASON for something. Cases in point:

-Not just reset the nether, but introduce an event to be cause (Preksak's Nether Bomb).

-The Third age was an entire world reset

-I wasn't here for one and two, but I'm guessing there was some significant event for them?

Haven't been around much, but dungeon-mastering events like Preksak's Lab destruction is very much fun, but I still think we need some sort of major 'event' to be the cause of it. Nooballoon, check your PM. For now, let's stop the flaming here; take it to the battlefields of Loka if you must, but let's try to keep this one clean and creative, shall we?


Well-Known Member
I wasn't here for the switch from the first era to the second but I'm pretty sure it was just the fall of church town or another town.


There wasn't a proper significant event for the changing of Era 1 to 2, it's a little like the start of civilized population, as it were. From what I remember of Era 1, it was a time of chaos, with griefers and their kind running free. There was a point where that flow of people stopped, and a couple of proper towns had started. The two were the unnamed village, and Sand Villa.

The list of people who remain active on the server from that time are:
mopb3, toiongo, magpieman, thelineguy, loloplane, memrme.

Ones who still hold some sort of prominence over the community or can be summoned at will are:
spunkiethefirst, gallazius, stalkercat

These people and a few others who have completely left our memories were the ones to create civilization and probably declare the second era, when the server gained the aspect of order.

We can't really decide when the second era started precisely, because the wiki was started only in the late 2nd era, and nobody really thought about it before that..

(Those who I have mentioned, correct me if I'm wrong, my memories may not be 100% accurate. But from what I remember, there was no big event like a world reset at the time. Perhaps the founding of the guardians?)