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#freeRyukqqw ;(

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About 5.5 months ago, I was banned from the macro because my minecraft account was stolen, but I was aware of the mistake I made to most people in my previous forum. I know I may not have the face to apologize to all of them but I apologize to all of you here yes I did a lot of forbidden things I did a lot of illegal things I cheated in the game I escaped the ban but I was stupid I was ignorant I just did it to be a little cool i miss dying


Well-Known Member
So you were banned on 11/07/22 for macroing, and your reason for macroing is because your account was stolen? - Regardless, you alted 3 times,

once on 12/02/22 (about a month after the ban),

then on 12/05/22 (3 days later),

then once again on 03/02/23 (3 months after the last alt, 1.5 months ago)

Considering the amount of times you alted and how long its been since you have, I believe that you should wait much longer, without alting




Well-Known Member
Also to add, He alted on a account that was in the town Truckia, he made a hole for other players to enter the town and raid it, also tried turning himself in to get another player banned.


Active Member
And you made fun about my father and my life. Alted 1.-1.5 month ago you doxxed 5-6 people you need moooore time1682462869248.png
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