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I don't think many people even like fissure, because of it's size and how basically none of it is flat besides 3 parts of the map. I'm not saying just completely remove fissure, I'm saying to at least remove a day from fissure cycle so that cove has 3 days and fissure has 2. I think I am speaking for majority of people that do go gankisle so I'm not just speaking for myself.
whoever built it spent a good amount of time and it does look cool and for me its fun to play on it, i don't see any reason to remove it (or remove a day), about people coping because its easy to kite or its not flat, you gotta adapt to the map like you do in some conquest tiles and its not that hard, they're both good but different that is the fun part of having two maps (cove/fissure) isnt it?
+1, something needs to change with it. Me and pretty much everyone else that goes cove/fissure a decent amount will tell you that cove is 2x more fun to play on. I’m not sure what makes the gameplay different between the two but playing fissure is extremely boring compared to cove. I think the number of players actively going gank isle when it’s fissure vs cove is very noticeable aswell. And even when there is the same amount of people going to fissure the player retention is much lower because it’s simply less fun to play. Cove will stay active for hours at a time during peak times but fissure is dead after 45 minutes because people don’t like playing there. I’m not sure if getting rid of the map completely is the answer but it definitely needs to reworking to be more like cove / have the aspects of cove that people like while still being its own build like fissure is now.
+1, The map is horrible in my opinion the idea and build were cool, but actually ganking on it is generally just boring and unfun. There have been multiple instances where I'll be in a VC and everyone sees its fissure and they either log off or aren't wanting to go and play in my opinion, it kills the playerbase. For example, yesterday I saw 21+ people at Cove consistently however, right now at Fissure there are 12, and I think that alone says something. In my opinion it should either be removed, add zyre into the rotation instead of fissure or the map gets reworked into making it more enjoyable.
+1 The map was incredibly well done looks wise, however it comes with a lot of problems for general ganking, you can run away really easily and with the 50 cliffs and caves that make the terrain incredibly hard to pvp on, there are only about 2 parts of the map that are flat to pvp correctly which is magma and the hot springs area and that's it, then theres the terrain part which is almost always usee to run as no one will fight there. There are also a bunch of trees that make people wanna pearl up them and make it even harder to fight, I think the map had good intentions but for gank isle it's just not good at all, I would like a redesidng or it just completely removed, as even playee counts go lower during fissure days with others vocally saying they wont be playing gank isle in fissure till cove is back.
mocc haters
I don’t think anyone is hating, no ones taking away from the fact that the map itself LOOKS great were simply saying that playing on it isn’t fun, which about half the importance of making a place for people to play a game. Functionality is just as important as looks when it comes to making a map, which is why you don’t see duels maps having huge hills in them because it’s not great for pvp which is what fissure is about. Cove has hills but it also has plenty of flat ground all around and even in the mountains making it functionally better and more fun to play on. Also to add the duels maps that were built like that and not functional were REMOVED because lots of people didn’t like them.
I don’t think anyone is hating, no ones taking away from the fact that the map itself LOOKS great were simply saying that playing on it isn’t fun, which about half the importance of making a place for people to play a game. Functionality is just as important as looks when it comes to making a map, which is why you don’t see duels maps having huge hills in them because it’s not great for pvp which is what fissure is about. Cove has hills but it also has plenty of flat ground all around and even in the mountains making it functionally better and more fun to play on. Also to add the duels maps that were built like that and not functional were REMOVED because lots of people didn’t like them.
it was a joke
Why is this just now becoming a concern? Not to be silly but Fissure has been out for the better part of 7 months now without much concern over this?

Mocc makes flat map, community is mad. Mocc makes hilly map, community is mad. This is why we rotate stuff...
Why is this just now becoming a concern? Not to be silly but Fissure has been out for the better part of 7 months now without much concern over this?

Mocc makes flat map, community is mad. Mocc makes hilly map, community is mad. This is why we rotate stuff...
I don't think its as black and white as "flat or hilly." I think cove is a perfect example of how he can combine hills and flat and still make it look good and playable, which i've stated multiple times. The looks of fissure take away from the gameplay and make it significantly less fun than cove which is just a better map. As for it taking this long I don't think many people were really thinking that anything could be changed about it until kevin made this forum post. I've personally had these feelings about fissure since I first started going to both cove and fissure and noticed the significant drop in players in fissure and the overall fun I had when fissure was in rotation. I don't think remaking the map as a whole is the answer, but it definitely needs some changes because as of right now a majority of people do not enjoy it. The solution would be taking the features of cove that people do enjoy and incorporating them into fissure while still keeping the original idea of them being two different maps. In my opinion this is no different then how the old duel maps were reworked or were removed just on a larger scale, and is arguably of more importance.
Make no map?
It still makes no sense to me how someone who has never even gone to them can come onto a forum and hate on it. I'm not sure if you helped make the map or whatever or contributed but I don't think your opinion on it can really be taken into consideration when you've never played on the maps before.