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Suggestion Golem healing


Well-Known Member
Community Rep
I believe there is a cooldown on how often the golem can be repaired, this might be bugged idk.


Well-Known Member
Community Rep
Yeah this is indeed very annoying on top of the hordes of people around you trying to stop you from getting the golem, please do disable this


New Member
I just did a conquest but i could not get a single charge cus everytime i tried to people would heal the golem with iron ingots
So if you can by any chance please make it so you cant heal golems with iron
I agree, this is way too hard to get charges now.


Well-Known Member
pretty sure the cooldown only is on one player and not the golem itself, and also the cooldown is 1 second.


Well-Known Member
+1 in lag it makes it nearly impossible and the cooldown shouldn't be 1 second ;/. Also since yall buffed shield cd this will only make it more fair.


Active Member
i kinda agree ngl
i like giving players more options and more ways to play the game/be useful besides raw pvp which is why i like shit like the air force, but golem healing (ESPECIALLY when buff is active on defense) makes killing golems such a pain in the ass, when done right. plus, since the cooldown on it is only done by player, and again, it's a 1 second cooldown, it lowkey has thrown countless potential charges for me and many other objective players, and it probably will continue to do so unless the cooldown on healing golems is extended to like 10 seconds or so per heal.


Active Member
well of course if u go solo into 10 ppl on the inhib and try to take charges its gonna be very difficult to do that so push with more people or cope with golems being healed because theres 10 people around you 1. hitting you 2. protecting the golem