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Grippier Unmute Appeal

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Well-Known Member
Dear Loka Community,

It has been 4 months since my mute on Loka and ever since then I have been desperately wanting to come back and be unmuted. I want to communicate with the community around me instead of just being there, I really enjoy being a part of this community and enjoy going to fights. I understand it has been only 4 months since the punishment has happened but I will redeem myself if I happened to get unmuted. It was an honest mistake and childish decision that I have decided to leave in the past. Inappropriate decisions like this shouldn’t be allowed on Loka and that’s the reason I received this punishment. I was messing around in a chat that I didn’t realize the consequences until after getting my punishment.

I apologize for the mods and players I may have disrupted in the past couple of months but I assure you that this will not waste your time and this will never happen again.

Thank you - Grippier
I like him +1
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