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Horses by Talongon


Well-Known Member
Hi, Lazuli73 here telling all of the loyal Loka dewelers about the new upcoming town and horse market in the new world Talongon. Myself and MinecraftJedi will be running our own town and horse farm. There will be a delay in the market to get things going and to classify horses bases on there skills from the parents horses, as well as the fact that you can only breed horses using golden carrots, we'll need gold, and lots of it. That calls for a zombie pig farm.

All and all i hope the market stays afloat and that later on in the new world Talongon can host the first ever Loka Derby, hosre racing for thoses who live under rocks. :D

I will start taking orders for horses after my next few update posts and all forms of payment will be decided on site and in either gold or diamonds.


Well-Known Member
Also any unsold or unwanted horses will be killed, so there will also be a petty large leather market as well. :oops:


Well-Known Member
Lazuli73 said:
There will be a delay in the market to get things going and to classify horses bases on there skills from the parents horses, as well as the fact that you can only breed horses using golden carrots, we'll need gold, and lots of it.

You can breed horses with wheat or golden apples. I've been doing tons of horse breeding on Singleplayer so I would have practice breeding for Talongon.


Well-Known Member
After a long day of creative 1.6, i have discovered that through breeding a foals traits increase in both jump and speed no matter its parents traits, in result, though generations, a foal of blazing speed and incredible jump will be born.

After a quick thought, i have believe i have deiced how payment will proceed, with an evaluation obstetrical course. Once you have chosen the horse u which to tame, u will do a test to determine if it's up to your par, if not, the horse will be "put down" and you will choose another, the more horse I put down, the more you pay.


Well-Known Member
Lazuli73 said:
After a long day of creative 1.6, i have discovered that through breeding a foals traits increase in both jump and speed no matter its parents traits, in result, though generations, a foal of blazing speed and incredible jump will be born.
That explains a lot........................


Well-Known Member
Mtndome said:
I may be employing your purposes for a few specific breeds...

Well, you'll have to tell us what breeds you want in the new world, and if we have 'em, or at least ones to breed the kinds you want, you shall have your horses.


Well-Known Member
Ask Laz. I have thought about payment in this about as much as I have thought about eating my computer, meaning, this is the first time think about this.
But if you want an uncommon horse, it'll cost more then a common horse but less then a really rare horse, I believe.
Again, you should ask Laz.


Well-Known Member
Lazuli73 said:
Also any unsold or unwanted horses will be killed, so there will also be a petty large leather market as well. :oops:
Or we could breed them...


Well-Known Member
Lazuli73 said:
After a quick thought, i have believe i have deiced how payment will proceed, with an evaluation obstetrical course. Once you have chosen the horse u which to tame, u will do a test to determine if it's up to your par, if not, the horse will be "put down" and you will choose another, the more horse I put down, the more you pay.

We could just continue trying to sell the horses instead of killing them, and what about rarity?


Well-Known Member
Joce, ask Laz.
We might actually.
But it would take too long. Horses are a very slow means of transportation. :p


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure, but I think horses that have been bred are easier to tame. I've noticed this with my horses on singleplayer.


Well-Known Member
There will probably be no delivering because of the hassle, and we can not resell any already tamed horses as the are tamed to that person, so I proceed no reason to keep them alive if it is not wanted. Also I want it have the occasional horse auction.