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[IMPORTANT] Please Read

Englxnd is actively defending this freak.. Even if she thinks ONE screenshot is fake I have proven in my post that he lied about never playing the server where this all supposedly happened. What else do you think he's hiding considering this. Attached are the screenshots of the antiaris discord.

Englxnd claiming that I'm just "mad" because tmxo didn't get unbanned but I don't even play the server anymore is genuinely insane to me.. How delusional do you have to be to believe anything coming out of a predators mouth.
Also in the clip where lastiy was talking about faking messages im 99% englxnd was in that vc and didnt say anything
Its messed up to just make fake ss that ruin peoples friendships and life
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Also in the clip where lastiy was talking about faking messages im 99% englxnd was in that vc and didnt say shit
Its fucked up to just make fake ss that ruin peoples friendships and life
Its also insane how he claims to only have one discord...


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idk why a whole forums post was needed im not defending no one or +1ing or anything and that behaviour is unacceptable but it was 4 years ago and people do change such as urself and tmxo. You both have been banned before and you of all people should know about people changing.
Tell me 10 times someone was removed from a sex offender list?
are you dumb? Im saying that we have made tickets about it and NOTHING has happened..
try contacting admins directly if you havent already cus as much as i agree with ur post and do not agree with anything the individual has done i just not sure if a forums post is the best way to go about it. but if youve tried all other options then i guess fair enough.
On an actual note +1 lastiys behaviour is absolutely disgusting and unacceptable as much as I was massively immature with what I put on this post I do believe people like that should be banned and never given second chances. I believe admins should have already banned him because the fact he’s a pedophile has been known as one for 4 ish years now and its still unbelievable he was even allowed to participate in fights and even be on Loka after that incident. People like that should be kept far away from not just Loka but any Minecraft server as a whole. As much as I was a freak for putting people can change, in this instance absolutely not he may be changed less toxic whatever he’s still a threat especially when Loka is filled with a very young audience and could be at threat to someone like him.

Especially as one of those younger lokans I don’t feel particularly comfortable with someone like him on the server as a whole and do think he should be punished and taken away from a community such as loka.

From what I’ve seen from lastiy as of recently is he likes the attention from what others give him and people do just feed his low lifed freak of a human ego and I still think it could of been done different but as Luca said if you already tried that which you did and Loka admins did nothing to get rid of him then putting this out here for awareness is definitely fair.

It definitely was freakish behaviour from myself to say what I just did and I do regret not just saying this instead but it’s been done damage has been done nothing I can do about that but please make sure someone like him is off any minecraft server. Sorry for inconvenience.
I'm gonna go against the grain here and give my opinion. In in other threads, people want admins to verify screenshots aren't faked, and not ban over possibly faked evidence.
There's only one relevant (as in, ban-worthy) screenshot in this thread, where the original person in question isn't around to verify its authenticity due to it happening so long ago. The screenshot also doesn't show she is underage, or that he knew she was underage. So, due to that, it would be hard to ban him for that screenshot. Sadly, it seems like he is a pedo, getting away with it due to circumstances making verifying the screenshot impossible.

But based on the screenshots, he seems like a toxic, shitty person, so maybe he can be banned for harassment or hate speech if has done similar things on Loka, or directed towards a Lokan?
And if it can be proven he faked that screenshot of coldarc, that'd be a permaban for the faking alone, not to mention its disgusting content (and harassment on top). I'd suggest everyone try to remember if he's done anything like that on Loka, and send evidence of it to the admins, so he can be banned and he doesn't keep getting away with things.
But based on the screenshots, he seems like a toxic, shitty person, so maybe he can be banned for harassment or hate speech if has done similar things on Loka, or directed towards a Lokan?
Would still require the people the person has harassed to report it
idk why a whole forums post was needed im not defending no one or +1ing or anything and that behaviour is unacceptable but it was 4 years ago and people do change such as urself and tmxo. You both have been banned before and you of all people should know about people changing.
brain damage
try contacting admins directly if you havent already cus as much as i agree with ur post and do not agree with anything the individual has done i just not sure if a forums post is the best way to go about it. but if youve tried all other options then i guess fair enough.
I have been in contact with a few admins and plan to get them in touch with the owner of the server that this happened on, not that it will help much just thought it would help them knowing it’s not just me that witnessed him doing this and maybe could help prove the authenticity of the post? I’d also like to state that it was common knowledge in the community that the girl was 13 as it was quite a close community and many of the members were also around this age including me at the time (for reference I’ve just turned 18)
Okay, so basically there was no need for something like this you could've easily just brought this to a ticket and solve the problem there with staff.