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just drink some water


Well-Known Member
To the weird people like me checking forums late at night, if you're still up, you should go to sleep, but make sure to drink up atleast a full glass of water before going to sleep! it's scientifically proven to have a good impact on your sleep


Well-Known Member
I was choking on my saliva... Drank my water, no longer choking... All thanks to having a glass of water in my desk, remember! Drink up! Water does nothing but good


Well-Known Member
Due to their continued likings and replyings of water.

I hereby declare @3D3R the Third Lord of Water, and @scotrian the Fourth Lord of Water!


Also Greenery, your application for Council Membership starts today.
@PartayArc @3D3R and @scotrian, react with :Like: to accept the new member, or react with 😠 to deny.

Drink up!
2 Yay
1 Abstain
0 Nay

@Greeneryy welcome to the Council!

Don't tell me I'm gonna have to start wasting orbs on Loks making a full blown lore thing about this...

But if I must, I will