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Loka Trading and Auctioning


New Member
I don't think I am as qualified (ranking) to be suggesting to improve this server yet, but I have a pragmatic suggestion.

So recently, I have been enchanting lots of books and tools, and since I ended receiving Sharpness III a LOT (50%), I thought it would be a good idea to sell some of these books. This experience made me think of ways to sell these books, and I think that being able to have community auctions at spawn would be an event that would gather lots of Loka members and also promote trade and "civilization." THis method of trading not only is civil, but also increases the trade pool because more members would participate due to a variety of items being sold.

The following is my method proposal:

Have an informal trade. This would work by an auctioneer (person selling their item) to announce the item, quantity, and starting bid. Once the highest bid is met, or when the auctioneer is satisfied with the bid, he/she can end the auctioning. Then, an admin (acting as a mediator) can collect the item and the bid money. Finally the admin can swap the auction.

The bid would usually be in emeralds, but in some cases can be other items (up to the auctioneer)

Thank You for giving your attention!
Loka Slicer
So the official Schedule of the auction is Friday, Sunday, and Wednesday at 8pm EST. This schedule allows people to prepare items to sell and also it maximizes trade. Having only 3 dates makes the auctions exclusive and allows more people to come rather than having random auctions drawing only the people who are online.

Tonight will be the first auction in the new auction center!!!
I would say do two, one at 3am GMT to catch all the australians and some americans. And then one at 8pm GMT to catch the english and the rest of the americans.
Magpieman said:
I would say do two, one at 3am GMT to catch all the australians and some americans. And then one at 8pm GMT to catch the english and the rest of the americans.

Mag can you convert that into EST please? (I tried too but i'm not sure if its right)
I am thinking Wednesday and Saturday.

Please leave feedback and opinion with rationale
blessjung14 said:
Magpieman said:
I would say do two, one at 3am GMT to catch all the australians and some americans. And then one at 8pm GMT to catch the english and the rest of the americans.

Mag can you convert that into EST please? (I tried too but i'm not sure if its right)
I am thinking Wednesday and Saturday.

Please leave feedback and opinion with rationale

10pm EST and 3pm EST
WOW. We had a very successful auction recently. OVER 300 diamonds worth of items were traded tonight. I think everyone won at this auction. The key of the successful auction was the member participation.
Yo, guys in charge of the auctions.

If you aren't going to hold auctions at a regular, declared time then put someone else in charge.
Zor95 said:
Yo, guys in charge of the auctions.

If you aren't going to hold auctions at a regular, declared time then put someone else in charge.

The auction that took place today at the wrong time was not initiated by the people in charge of auctions. Not their fault if some rogue auctions spring up in between the official ones.
I heard Psych held this one and apparently he is something liek co-head of commerce?
Sorry about this random auction guys. Totally out of my control. Though there is a right to assemble and trade, it would be best to go on a scheduled time. It brings more people to the table to participate(trade and buy). If we had random auctions, there would be less participation, people could not anticipate, and people would be less likely to come to the scheduled auction.
