A Marathon of 10,000 blocks, randomly generated map and your goal is to reach 0x 0z. Width of 1,000 blocks when the race starts, shrinking gradually to 100 blocks within 30 minutes. Everything Vanilla, no perks, no talents, and no special item spawns. You spawn randomly along the 1,000 width, everyone equally spaced between each other with an empty inventory.
- Death means elimination
- PVP is allowed and encouraged
You can spectate the race if you die/don't want to participate. There might be a special prize for the winner.
p.s. All time and range measures are placeholder and might change. One race may take around 30 - 60 minutes to be completed so think ahead before starting one.
- Death means elimination
- PVP is allowed and encouraged
You can spectate the race if you die/don't want to participate. There might be a special prize for the winner.
p.s. All time and range measures are placeholder and might change. One race may take around 30 - 60 minutes to be completed so think ahead before starting one.
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