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Suggestion Market Town Levels

Out of curiosity Crypt, how do the emerald:xp ratios compare for market and generator? It seems to me that 1 emerald in a generator is worth far more than 1 emerald in the market.
Unsure; but the value of the sale in terms of Ore Exchanger ratio is how Market value is calculated. It's certainly too difficult to level Marketing; that is a given.
Is it possible to bring it closer to the generator value? Personally I think generator is too quick to level so meet in the middle somewhere?
Probably could be done. The biggest change with adjusting leveling values, is that everybody's levels change when I do. It's actually retroactive and will re-calculate all levels. Granted if they're normalized, may not change much.
Perhaps the problem is inherently Minecraft, in that 90% of everything is easily made by... everybody.

Maybe certain items should be easier to manufacture in certain biomes.
Or particular industries could be unique to particular biomes (e.g. lumber mills couldn't be made in biomes without trees).
Then people might have to be more selective about where they make towns, and the market might be more useful for people in towns without access to certain resources.

Just throwing that out there, don't really expect it to be implemented or fleshed out.
We do have some future plans for something just like this. It does seem silly that just having one sapling of all tree types grants you infinite and forever lumber of all types. Helps trade immensely when things aren't always easily accessible.