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More Customizable Town Protections


This is just a basic outline of an idea, more input and ideas are needed. The idea is giving towns something like a talent tree, to allow them to customize their protection more. Each town would have X number of points, and they won't gain any more.They would have the option to spend them on certain "talents" or specializations. Each town would have a certain "base" protection, probably less powerful than current protection, and they would use the talent trees to improve their protection. They could reset their talent trees for a small price, with a cooldown period.

My proposed interface for this would be a /g menu command, similar to our /menu command. From there town owners would have the option to choose what talents to purchase. Alternative options would be making purchases purely chat based (which I would be fine with, but I hear others are not a fan of), or making the menu in the generator chest.

I'm still uncertain as to what the talent options would be, which of course is a very big part of this. Suggestions would be very nice, also feedback on the idea in general.
I think more points should be able to be earned, but the challenges really hard and the points not very plentiful so it still encourages you to use your given points wisely, but also rewarding hard work.
There's reasoning by not making points a constant number instead of constant. We want to encourage new towns, but by nature old towns will be stronger and more powerful than new ones. If talent points were earned it would just add to this. Possibly a couple of mega-quests to allow towns to earn one or two additional points would be interesting, but not as a main source of points.
Psychedelic98 said:
Possibly a couple of mega-quests to allow towns to earn one or two additional points would be interesting, but not as a main source of points.

That's pretty much what I meant.
Indeed, whatever do we do to towns we need to ensure that, for the most part, all towns can have access to the same abilities/perks/talents/whatever regardless of size, population, etc. If we come up with aesthetic changes that towns could have that better reflect their "success", then we can do those later, but yeah, all towns, even new ones with only three people in them should have the same initial specialization access.

The question on everyone's minds, what kind of perks would these talents unlock? Only one I've come up with so far could be the ability to define perhaps multiple town portals within your town? It would be a talent that perhaps a bigger town would like. Thief towns, by contrast, are usually smaller, so wouldn't perhaps go down that route.