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Nationalistic Ban Appeal/Clarification v2

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Hello everyone, I'm writing this post because I was falsely banned from the server for "Hack Client". I'm going to start off by disproving all the "evidence" that the admins gathered in their post:
"On October 14th the admin team received videos showing Nationalistic with suspicious levels of reach. After viewing them we agreed they looked fishy, but lacked any amount of hard evidence to pursue it further."
- Alright people have been telling me that a lot, but let me explain: Since my router is broken I've been using a mobile hotspot to play online games, causing me to get really high ping (200ms-250ms, meaning that my hits register roughly 5 ticks after my attack packets are sent) and if you didn't know, players with such a high ping often get sketchy hits (like double hits) from *apparently* unlegitimate distances.
"On October 19th we were sent a video from the player Unallowed's perspective, showing Nationalistic aggro pearling onto an invisible and unmoving Unallowed. You can watch the video yourself here.
Particles in Minecraft render up to 32 blocks away, which is shown in this series of images. Admins went to the video's location in game and reenacted what happened. Because particles in Minecraft have a render limit of 32 blocks, it was impossible for Nationalistic to be able to see Unallowed's particles. A hack client, however, would easily allow someone to see an invisible player far outside their particle render range. Here is what that would look like. Now with hard, data-backed evidence of potential cheating we felt pursuing the matter further was warranted."
- I didn't really just go straight up for him, I was trying to run back to the T-GEN, until I saw a full invis person running around while holding pearls. I proceeded to chase him down and I ended up killing him.
"Today, October 20th, during the Balak fight bat3415 warped to the fight invisible and immediately removed his armour. He proceeded to scale a cliff far away from the fighting and sat there recording. Nationalistic took notice of him and stared directly at bat who was far outside Nationalistic's particle render range. Even though Nationalistic clearly knew bat was there, he did not pursue him which we can only assume was because even he knew that would be too blatant. You can watch this video from bat's perspective here. Towards the end of the fight Skuhoo also went fully invisible and sat on a cliff far away from the fighting. A solid 2 minutes later Nationalistic walked straight up to him and attacked, but unfortunately nobody who was watching was recording."
- A full invis guy was holding a sword at the back of the enemy T-GEN, I started chasing him and then he climbed up the mountain which is why I started shooting arrows towards their direction (I'm not able to know whether that was bat or not, if not it must've been another player). As for Skuhoo, I pearled on the mountain because I was chasing the player "Mtndew98", then, a full invis player (Skuhoo) put his armour on all of a sudden and started fighting me until he jumped off the cliff and died.
"Feeling we had far more than a sufficient amount of evidence to screenshare, we proceeded to freeze Nationalistic immediately after the fight ended. After being told explicitly not to log out he disconnected from the server for a few seconds before returning, claiming he was disconnected. This isn't surprising and we fully believe Nationalistic here. A ghost client is a type of hack client that works by injecting code into a running instance of Minecraft so as to leave no trace. Virtually all ghost clients also come with a feature known as "self-destruct" where the client's code is removed from the running instance. Due to its nature these often cause players, particularly those with mediocre PCs, to disconnect from servers since the game essentially freezes for a few seconds, causing packets to not be sent to the server."
- I didn't purposely log out. I crashed while getting teleported to the "screenshare room" or whatever it's called (probably because my connection to the server was very weak, as I stated above). I can even prove that with this screenshot (which by the way, I sent to Skuhoo right after I got disconnected from the server), https://gyazo.com/5f23882519ae22aad6a0ac89ac48cf4c. Also, Ghost Clients do not "leave no trace" when they're Self-Destructed, in fact, no client is undetectable. In order to know whether or not I was using a client, Skuhoo, should've downloaded ProcessHacker2 (a known program used in screenshares to find strings that ghost clients leave upon being self destructed) on my computer to search if there were any Vape strings in my javaw.exe running instance.
"Ignoring this setback, we proceeded with the screenshare and found a file called "hwid.exe" in Nationalistic's downloads folder. This is a program that generates a unique ID based on your computer's hardware. Nationalistic claimed that this file is remnants of when he used to use the client-side anticheat known as "CheatBreaker". CheatBreaker does require you to enter your hardware ID, but the file was downloaded 2 days ago and last run today. It also happens to be the exact program distributed by the ghost client known as "Vape" for authentication purposes. On a side note, Vape also requires the user to be running Forge, which Nationalistic was indeed using. What's interesting, though, is that he was also using Forge with Optifine as his only mod."
- Skuhoo didn't even check the digital signature of the "hwid.exe" file that I had in my downloads folder, in addition; the file's last execution was dated October 18th 2018. Furthermore, the reason why I use Forge is because it allows you to bind your "Sprint" and "Walk forwards" keys to W so that you don't need to hold CTRL to sprint.
"The hwid file, supplemented by him disconnecting and the video evidence, is proof that Nationalistic was indeed using Vape and as a result, has been permanently banned from Loka. Hacking detracts from everyone's experience and will absolutely not be tolerated. We advise everyone to self-police and continue reporting suspicious behaviour."
- I don't know how this "evidence" is able to prove that I was cheating, it sounds like an assumption to me.

Lastly, dear Loka community;
I've been playing on this server for (approximately) 2 years. It is the only reason why I still played this game since all the other communities (both 1.7 and 1.9+) are full of cheaters and pay to win mechanics, I also liked the Conquest system by the way. Not to mention the fact that I've recorded TONS of videos on the server and been screenshare'd before. I don't really need to cheat on a game that I've been playing for 5+ years, do I? Well with that said, I wish you all a fun time on loka regardless of whether I get unbanned or not.

P.S; If you need any clarifications please post your question below without trash talking the thread <3.
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Well-Known Member
Unrelated to the post itself: instead of actually quoting it word for word it would if been better to just directly link the forum instead of it as it takes away from the actual appeal
Unrelated to the post itself: instead of actually quoting it word for word it would if been better to just directly link the forum instead of it as it takes away from the actual appeal
True, I tried my best though.
It'd be nice to have the ability of changing a thread's title


Well-Known Member
Flea you were caught with a ghost client during a screen share can't argue against that. It would have been better if you admitted and made an apology. Also, you logged on alts to help fight during conquest which lowers your chance of getting unbanned.


Everything Nationalistic says in this post is legit, I also believe that the "proof", even if it was accurate and not exaggerated, was too vague for a ban. On a second note a player named "TheFreshMango" was caught blatantly using kill aura and reach against me in a conquest fight. He was banned for one day. He proceeded to come back to the server the next day, hack blatantly again, and was banned for a month. I believe this ban on Nationalistic is far too extreme, especially for its lack of evidence.
Flea you were caught with a ghost client during a screen share can't argue against that. It would have been better if you admitted and made an apology.
I wasn't cheating, so I have no reason to admit to using a ghost client, and by the way, Skuhoo didn't find any trace of a Ghost Client on my computer.
Also, you logged on alts to help fight during conquest which lowers your chance of getting unbanned


Well-Known Member
I sincerely think that flea has changed for the better and is ready to experience the loka pvp network. It has been a solid 2 weeks and I think he has changed in the meantime. I'm not sure why he was banned he has never used any cheats or been good at pvp???

I think his awful KDA proves that he has never hacked;


this is around like -.5 kd so i think eh should be unbanneded because the people from the MFH clan cant potpvp


Well-Known Member
Everything Nationalistic says in this post is legit, I also believe that the "proof", even if it was accurate and not exaggerated, was too vague for a ban. On a second note a player named "TheFreshMango" was caught blatantly using kill aura and reach against me in a conquest fight. He was banned for one day. He proceeded to come back to the server the next day, hack blatantly again, and was banned for a month. I believe this ban on Nationalistic is far too extreme, especially for its lack of evidence.
flea had multiple bans tho


Well-Known Member
I think it is too early and flea should try appealing later. There is currently something outdoing his proof that is out right now and he shouldn't be let back in just yet.
I think it is too early and flea should try appealing later. There is currently something outdoing his proof that is out right now and he shouldn't be let back in just yet.
Tell me why I should wait, I literally got banned because of an assumption. I was innocent and therefore I shouldn't have been banned.

Kinda like this?

Thanks, did you use radars to find it?
P.S. Bad joke, no hate ily
btw blacking out the background doesn't help us know you weren't hacking.
lmao wtf? the picture is a raw screenshot. there's some black bars because I took it right after I went out of fullscreen mode.

As you can see I literally sent it to skuhoo seconds after I crashed.
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