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Nether path community project


Nether is a dangerous place....but nether travel is fast. I purpose a community project. I say we build a nether horse path with a cart minecart rail option but only to towns interested.
I like the idea of bringing the fellowship back to Loka. I wish there was a lot more trust and communal nature around here but I just don't see it right now. It's my feeling that if I had a nether portal in my town and a path leading to it, someone is bound to try and come in and raid me.

That being said, with the new rules it's not nearly as much of a problem. If those were to stay in effect I'd be more open to discussing a connecting rail/path with my fellow townies. I wonder, though, what the underlying purpose is. I may have missed it in the thread but is this solely to promote visitors to our towns? We all port to spawn for trades and events, so i can only think that this would specifically be to encourage visitors.
andrekeroxd said:
unlimitedbul said:
I think it should be hidden, and at the bedrock level.

new players not knowing what it is, seeing it would grief the rails/path, but only us, that share the knownologe with them would know about it.

And we would share it with anyone that plays the server for more than one day, and is going to stay.

That's quite a good idea. I second this.

Maybe to prevent griefing, just putting it out there, we sacrifice Psy to the gods and the bestow protection on it so that you can only place mine carts, leads on the fence posts, and the same horse laws as at spawn.
MasterTargaryen said:
I like the idea of bringing the fellowship back to Loka. I wish there was a lot more trust and communal nature around here but I just don't see it right now. It's my feeling that if I had a nether portal in my town and a path leading to it, someone is bound to try and come in and raid me.

That being said, with the new rules it's not nearly as much of a problem. If those were to stay in effect I'd be more open to discussing a connecting rail/path with my fellow townies. I wonder, though, what the underlying purpose is. I may have missed it in the thread but is this solely to promote visitors to our towns? We all port to spawn for trades and events, so i can only think that this would specifically be to encourage visitors.

Mass transit promotes growth, growth of cities, bonding, allies, travel and exploration

When I first learned of the rails system on old Loka ..I took it everywhere. Jungles were far from spawn so rail was the way to go. I saw my very first mooshroom island by taking the rail. Most cities were connected in some way. The rail also makes it possible to transport a lot of items and animals quicky.

HC got its mooshrooms because the people of Pallet transported several VIA minecart. My first villagers came from Vorkuta.
I would like a underground rail to afk at but a surface path for horses. MOpyc is right about making growth aware and that is a surface path with a lokan god protection.
I think if crypt does protect it..it should be to stop griefing only.

Mugglings and pvp should be allow as nether is fair game for such Things.

If crypt can protect it..then it could be more surface nether with a view. If not...bedrock is our only choice
Since this a nether trail/path is obliviously going to be implemented might i make a suggestion about its design. When meeting an intersection that goes to a town the track/trail is customized with the towns theme. EX: Dellsmite's path is made of wood, snow and ice.