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No Plans to Implement Nether red tag again

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Well-Known Member
I understand that the yellow tag nether is good for some people but there is alot of negatives aswell,
for example people can just show up and if they see someone grinding there is absolutely no loss in it for the party that doesn't have mats on them.
+ nether mats could stay unstable so you cant ec them but if it is red tag there is risk for the party that is ganking aswell, this way there might not be people showing up 10x just because when they die they dont lose their items. (which does happen now)
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+1, i think that the yellow tag in nether removes the excitement and thrill of ganking, and the system for ganking in the nether rn is confusing and one sided.
-1, I think this would be fun for groups that love to set up large ganks, but I think the nether as it is currently is far too small too let small groups grow/provide potion mats without the yellow tag system. Think of the little guys my dudes.
-1, I think this would be fun for groups that love to set up large ganks, but I think the nether as it is currently is far too small too let small groups grow/provide potion mats without the yellow tag system. Think of the little guys my dudes.
Big boi nether and smol boi nether...
-1 doesnt let anyone new actually get a chance to grind anything, assuming you let someone do the grinding before you kill them, they would drop some nether mats to you. The point of the unstable mats is to have some sort of risk for running shrines.
The nether was made to be the way it is now after a lot of discussion and debate. Although it's certainly not perfect, I still believe that the current setup is much better than what can be accomplished by reverting it back to the way it was before.
-1 just make it so that theres a cooldown on coming to nether after death so people don't instantly come back, something like 3 minutes
I like how alot of the -1s are "makes is harder to grind mats" but it really only charges it to be fair for the party grinding because at the moment if he gets attacked while having mats on him he is for real the only personen with something on the line he could lose
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