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No Plans to Implement Nether red tag again

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I like how alot of the -1s are "makes is harder to grind mats" but it really only charges it to be fair for the party grinding because at the moment if he gets attacked while having mats on him he is for real the only personen with something on the line he could lose
No, the suggestion pretends to be in favor of the party grinding, while actually being in favor of the alliances that constantly watch docks and set up 5-7 man gang parties to patrol the easily flown-through shrine route.
Everyone that -1s is just scared to lose their stuff , I mean if you make the whole server yellow tag there is no point of grinding and ganks. Red tag is a part of the server wich makes the server more fun and makes ganks better. So my whole point is to bring back the old continents and nether where there was no yellow tag. +1
Everyone that -1s is just scared to lose their stuff , I mean if you make the whole server yellow tag there is no point of grinding and ganks. Red tag is a part of the server wich makes the server more fun and makes ganks better. So my whole point is to bring back the old continents and nether where there was no yellow tag. +1
Yeah? All of you guys literally camp spawn, Docks, and check end island and shulkers every 5 minutes just to start a gank and you'll do the same in nether. In end you grind pearls ANYWHERE and not be found, but in nether you can't just go to a random shrine 1k blocks away. Everyone knows coords to shrines and nether is too small.

Literally every person that said +1 is someone who camps end 24/7 waiting to gank.

@Broquu Instead of dying and losing your materials(Lurnn2kite) you want to die and lose all your stuff, and have nether camped 24/7 like end where it's impossible to grind pot materials? These new quest are good, but they're not that good enough to do this.

So that's why I -1. :/
No, the suggestion pretends to be in favor of the party grinding, while actually being in favor of the alliances that constantly watch docks and set up 5-7 man gang parties to patrol the easily flown-through shrine route.
I understand how this may seem like its in favor of the grinding party but nether as it is right now is massively in favor of the ganking party since they have nothing AT ALL to lose if they fail to kill a grinder but if they succeed the grinder loses their mats + the ganking party right now can come back within seconds if they have fast travel and most do since they dont lose any items at all
i dont expect them to exactly implement my idea but it should be more balanced so there is risk at the ganking party their side as well since it is unfair and unbalanced at the moment
people can just show up and if they see someone grinding there is absolutely no loss in it for the party that doesn't have mats on them.

Instead of outright removing the yellow tag I'd suggest another penalty for dying in the nether. Imo the change of tags is a good step in the right direction.

This change just wouldn't help people and would only serve to hurt new players more than established players with materials already available.
Until we expand the Nether, it is a place to go to farm for materials and then also fight, not the other way around. There are plenty of places on Loka to gank and we have no desire to revert to a system where only the top pvpers are allowed to even exist in a place where the majority of the server needs to be able to go and farm.

In our future content, the intent is to try to always provide a safer place to go to farm in addition to a more dangerous place to go with greater rewards. For now, however, the Nether needs to be for the whole server to farm, not just for gank squads to have more fun.

We want to see more Conquest fights, not less. Letting Nether remain red tag means the conquest battles are just offloaded to the gank fights.
-1, just no. i know you are all thirsty for ganks but as a BABG (Bad At Block Game) Player i cannot grind if i know 5-10 people will show up and gank me.
Yeah? All of you guys literally camp spawn, Docks, and check end island and shulkers every 5 minutes just to start a gank and you'll do the same in nether. In end you grind pearls ANYWHERE and not be found, but in nether you can't just go to a random shrine 1k blocks away. Everyone knows coords to shrines and nether is too small.

Literally every person that said +1 is someone who camps end 24/7 waiting to gank.

@Broquu Instead of dying and losing your materials(Lurnn2kite) you want to die and lose all your stuff, and have nether camped 24/7 like end where it's impossible to grind pot materials? These new quest are good, but they're not that good enough to do this.

So that's why I -1. :/
I just like how everyone that -1 is someone that never shows to fights never grinds just never ganks in general, never get ganked at all and then they complain about new people not being able to grind, like what? so grinding pearls etc is not grinding anymore cause end is red tagged? And then people complaining about them grinding alone like? u can always grind alone even with red tag it’s just with ur own risk of getting ganked, everyone that complains about how you’re not able to grind with red tag is just a boomer that doesn’t care about pvp just about new players on the server so they don’t get ganked but at the end loka in the beginning was always red tagged since I played and I didn’t hear anyone complain then till now about “not being able to grind” you always get ganked” saying no to this even tho you never grind never get ganked is just lame and that’s my honest opinion,
I just like how everyone that -1 is someone that never shows to fights never grinds just never ganks in general, never get ganked at all and then they complain about new people not being able to grind, like what? so grinding pearls etc is not grinding anymore cause end is red tagged? And then people complaining about them grinding alone like? u can always grind alone even with red tag it’s just with ur own risk of getting ganked, everyone that complains about how you’re not able to grind with red tag is just a boomer that doesn’t care about pvp just about new players on the server so they don’t get ganked but at the end loka in the beginning was always red tagged since I played and I didn’t hear anyone complain then till now about “not being able to grind” you always get ganked” saying no to this even tho you never grind never get ganked is just lame and that’s my honest opinion,
i've barely grinded before the yellow tag because there were always people that were camping and waiting for people to go out for free gear, ever since the yellow tag i've gotten over a shulker of rods and tears, so saying that everyone that -1'ed doesnt grind is just completley wrong. The end is bigger and doesn't have a hotspot. You can grind pearls everywhere unlike ghasts and blaze rods that have designated places. Notice how before the the yellow tag there were more than 20 people waiting at docks and if you walked out to go shrine you would just get ganked. You say people that complain about red tag when trying to grind are boomers that dont care about pvp when people like Lemon, hxfr and I care about pvp and go to fights regularly.
Complete bullshit, you guys just can’t accept that you get ganked so y’all need a special way to get to ur pot maths end is a bigger hotspot then nether cause In end you can only get pearls and shulker shells, and in nether u can get everything, so makes 0 sense u also have multiple shrines for every kind of pot maths whatever u guys consider pot maths the only ones that don’t want it are legit people that can’t accept they get ganked
In end u can maybe get pearls everywhere but that’s in nether u can get all ur pot maths everywhere and at shrines and even in dreadfort
Complete bullshit, you guys just can’t accept that you get ganked so y’all need a special way to get to ur pot maths end is a bigger hotspot then nether cause In end you can only get pearls and shulker shells, and in nether u can get everything, so makes 0 sense u also have multiple shrines for every kind of pot maths whatever u guys consider pot maths the only ones that don’t want it are legit people that can’t accept they get ganked
I want to see you get 1v4'ed constantly and still have this opinion. WE CANT GET POT MATS SAFELY EVER because everyone was waiting to gank! How are we supposed to get potions and do conquest??? Sure theres multiple shrines but it takes like what, 1 minute to check all of them to find if someone is there so that you can gank them???
In end u can maybe get pearls everywhere but that’s in nether u can get all ur pot maths everywhere and at shrines and even in dreadfort
No we can't get our pot mats everywhere, we need to go to shrines and dreadfort which are certain places we have to go. not everywhere lol. In the end there are hundreds of blocks that you can go for pearls.
Complete bullshit, you guys just can’t accept that you get ganked so y’all need a special way to get to ur pot maths end is a bigger hotspot then nether cause In end you can only get pearls and shulker shells, and in nether u can get everything, so makes 0 sense u also have multiple shrines for every kind of pot maths whatever u guys consider pot maths the only ones that don’t want it are legit people that can’t accept they get ganked
the purpose of the nether is to get materials, not gank.
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