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Active Member
My idea is: A NEW CONQUEST ISLE! It would be a 20vs20/25vs25 conquest isle with simple, not game breaking but very useful buffs, all alliances/towns can participate, the tile ownership resets once every week/2 weeks. (it would encourage more wilds pvp action which is kind of inactive at this point of time) The buffs would be for example: Neutral mobs in tiles your town/alliance owns, or the recently removed 2x drops from daily dock blocks, an alliance would be able to own multiple tiles and u can place on any tile that's connected to your territory (like balak). This would definitely satisfy the community as we're tired of the huge laggy fights and also players who don't really have powerful PCs that are enough to handle a playable framerate at the 50vs50 fights.


Well-Known Member
To me this sounds more like a 25v25 Balak that anyone could fight on (which I think is a cool idea), and I think I could see this added. The 25v25 fight size has been something that's been suggested for ages now and I I'd like to see it happen. I don't really think the buffs that you listed are amazing though and considering that @Magpieman mentioned the Balak buffs possibly needing reviewing in the Grinding Post last night I think that it'd be better to have some more original buffs on the new islands or have some other kind of reward entirely.


Well-Known Member
To me this sounds more like a 25v25 Balak that anyone could fight on (which I think is a cool idea), and I think I could see this added. The 25v25 fight size has been something that's been suggested for ages now and I I'd like to see it happen. I don't really think the buffs that you listed are amazing though and considering that @Magpieman mentioned the Balak buffs possibly needing reviewing in the Grinding Post last night I think that it'd be better to have some more original buffs on the new islands or have some other kind of reward entirely.
imo limiting players when done should be done at the most high realistic number, so 30v30 imo is the best, since you are allowing 10 extra people to play and no performance issues.

It doesn't even have to directly be balak buffs im sure caspers suggestion was more to spark the whole talk, it could be for raw resources, such as like bonus industry cycles, so you get X amount of pork everyday while holding tile, but obviously the top tier one could be something like diamonds, just an idea, or gunpowder / nether mats if you want to keep it about grinding and such that could be interesting too


Well-Known Member
imo limiting players when done should be done at the most high realistic number, so 30v30 imo is the best, since you are allowing 10 extra people to play and no performance issues.

It doesn't even have to directly be balak buffs im sure caspers suggestion was more to spark the whole talk, it could be for raw resources, such as like bonus industry cycles, so you get X amount of pork everyday while holding tile, but obviously the top tier one could be something like diamonds, just an idea, or gunpowder / nether mats if you want to keep it about grinding and such that could be interesting too
Yeah something more valuable than 2x dock blocks would be good, and with neutral mobs having been added as a CP buff I don't think it's needed for it to be a buff both there, on Balak, and now the new island.


Active Member
imo limiting players when done should be done at the most high realistic number, so 30v30 imo is the best, since you are allowing 10 extra people to play and no performance issues.

It doesn't even have to directly be balak buffs im sure caspers suggestion was more to spark the whole talk, it could be for raw resources, such as like bonus industry cycles, so you get X amount of pork everyday while holding tile, but obviously the top tier one could be something like diamonds, just an idea, or gunpowder / nether mats if you want to keep it about grinding and such that could be interesting too
I forgot to add, I want people to put their own ideas for buffs on the brand new island in this thread, and one of my ideas was a buff that makes mobs have a <50% chance to drop 1-4 diamonds upon death, stacks with 2x mob drops and looting, alot of people would want to own that, combine with the neutral mobs in alliance owned tiles it would be a really good method of grinding to just go around ur territory in search for mobs to get diamonds, it would free up space in the RI and also encourage more wilds fights, radars would be more useful as they would warn you if someone is looking for grinders in your territory and stuff, it would just add more stuff to do on loka and i think that's what everyone wants on the server.


Well-Known Member
I forgot to add, I want people to put their own ideas for buffs on the brand new island in this thread, and one of my ideas was a buff that makes mobs have a <50% chance to drop 1-4 diamonds upon death, stacks with 2x mob drops and looting, alot of people would want to own that, combine with the neutral mobs in alliance owned tiles it would be a really good method of grinding to just go around ur territory in search for mobs to get diamonds, it would free up space in the RI and also encourage more wilds fights, radars would be more useful as they would warn you if someone is looking for grinders in your territory and stuff, it would just add more stuff to do on loka and i think that's what everyone wants on the server.
some cool concepts, 1-4 diamonds 50% chance every time you kill a mob seems a bit much though!


Well-Known Member
key word <50%, means less than 50%, it would be up to crypt on how big the chance is gonna be, if this ever gets added
no i understood but my main focu was on the amount, anything near 50% is absurd is what I meant, only way this would be good is if it's <5% imo