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New World Building Competition


Staff member

We're gonna keep this thing rolling until at some point we have a cutoff. Keep coming up with awesome stuff. Once we near a completion date for the map, I'll let you know when we start to be out of time to receive any further entries.

And as always, gimme those world files!


Active Member
I would imagine that a map download isn't needed for the tree stumps. It would be less effort just to build it on-site. Unless you really want one :p


Well-Known Member
*Raises hand*
"Oh, oh, Crypt, I have a question!"
"Yes, Laz."
"How wil the custome trees grow in the new world? Will the default trees grow when you plant a sapling? If people clear a whole forest of custome trees, will the forest regenerate if it's not within a town gen range?"


Staff member
*Raises hand*
"Oh, oh, Crypt, I have a question!"
"Yes, Laz."
"How wil the custome trees grow in the new world? Will the default trees grow when you plant a sapling? If people clear a whole forest of custome trees, will the forest regenerate if it's not within a town gen range?"

Presently, any planted saplings will grow into regular boring default Minecraft trees. However, I think it would be pretty neat if that weren't the case. Perhaps it could be a random percent to be custom or vanilla.

This would muck with people's tree farms though I think...

Secondly, there aren't any current plans to auto-repopulate forests or custom trees that are cut down. This could, I suppose, be a thing that we do. Or we can have a landscaping team that flies around and might repopulate desolate areas if need be. I think we may just hold out and see.

This makes a good poll.


Active Member
A crack landscaping unit, lone crusaders in a dangerous world, roaming the land and correcting mankind's wrongs--yes! I would volunteer for that (if I could get the necessary skills).


Well-Known Member
Oh we need team name! The Green Oak Assassins! The Environment Ninjas! The Sapling Samurai! Personally I like the first one the best, mostly because I have a couple custome assassin skins collecting dust on my iPad.


can anyone make a tree like 9+ blocks wide ?
Keep in mind that 9x30x9 tree (in MC coords) would have at least 2430 (!) in log blocks, which equals to almost 38 stacks of wood. And that's not counting branches and leaves. I've tried making one, but that size just seems too large to me. My attempt was 49 blocks high and even that height didn't satisfy me aesthetically, probably due to lack of artistic talent, tho.


Staff member
Just a reminder, if you built awesome stuff but haven't uploaded your world, I can't get your stuff in. So, better gimme your maps!