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Norwxy unmute appeal #2


previous appeal: https://forums.lokamc.com/threads/norwxy_-unmute-appeal.8201/

Hello Loka, I am Norwxy, Last September, i was muted for racism. I have since then understood what i have done and how it has caused harm to the community. Saying racist things and being toxic overall just was very immature of me, and I now totally regret everything. I understand that i cant undo the damage i have caused. I would like to once again apologize to everyone i have caused harm to especially to Scotlxnd, LancerSquid and the chinese community. I understand that just because of my slight anger issues i have caused so much harm and ever since my mute i have been trying to fix them which I have somewhat succeeded on. Once again i apologize to everyone i offended I know that you might not forgive me and thats fine but i really do feel sorry for all the remarks i made. I know a apology will not reverse my actions and the harm they caused but i really from the depth of my heart ask for a second chance . Thank you.


+1 I’ve been friends for Norwxy for so long, and i can assure you, he has changed. Hes so kind and genuine, he has so many people that follow him because of his kind and enthusiastic gesture.


+1 absolutely love this guy he’s so nice and he is just a wholesome cutie patootie fine gentleman he is of high standard and he’s liked by my parents too


New Member
+1 norwxy has been such a great young man this past year. his actions have really created a large impact on the community and his own server. in my opinion he has to be one of the most inspiring individuals i've met so far on my journey. i hope he gets a second chance to have fun in loka!
+1, I believe Norwxy_ has waited long enough for an unmute. He has understood the errors of his ways and has grown to be a better person.