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Fixed NPC in town for Prestige in Town will not respond


New Member
I have collected prestige points before using the npc in my town. However, lately I have not been able to claim prestige even tho i have completed the jobs several times. I have tried shift + right click, right click, shift + left click and left click just in case by some odd chance they would work, but nothing has yet.

I have told my towns Royals (leaders) so they know about the problem.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes you have to go into your job list and remove the job then do it again for it to work. I believe the command is /j list. Other than that it may be an issue with the way your town owner has set the job up, as my jobs have been working fine in my town.


Active Member
What exactly is the job that you're trying to complete. Is it that the job is completing and just not rewarding prestige?, are you unable to turn in items for the job?


New Member
Yes, I was trying different jobs. I was trying to do 64 clay for prestige. Eventually Arc gave me prestige as I gave her the stack of clay.
I am unable to turn them in for the job. the Npc was not responding everytime i clicked.