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PashaSlash For Sentry

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Current rank:Slicer
Which rank you are applying for:Sentry
What you think is expected of this rank: In my opinion, people who have the Sentry role shouldn't be so aggressive when interacting with others since they are technically a role model in the server. Imagine you are a new player who joined the server, which one would you listen more: A Sentry or a Settler? Of course you would listen a Sentry. They should know the rules and they need to make sure that people are not breaking those rules or when the time comes they should teach them the rules. They should judge people without making their rank a fact and be totally objective towards cases and people. They should help people on the server or in any matter, they should answer people's questions about the server.
Why you think you should become this rank:I think I should become a Sentry because I love Loka and I am trying my best to help this community. I will do anything to make sure that Loka is great and i will do anything I can do to improve Lokan community. I want this rank for multiple reasons as well but one of the main reasons I want this rank is that I want to help the Turkic community to improve and making them more important and more revelant than it is right now in Loka. I believe if I can be a Sentry I can help the Turkish community even more than I am right now.
When you started playing on the server: June 24 2020
Time zone:GMT+3
How often do you play (hours a day/week):3-4 Hours a day/I am online on Discord most of the time
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Well-Known Member
I know Pashaslash very long time and he is very helping to turks and other players communitys. He helped us to translate loka to turkish and he care about loka with that i belive pasha is definitely deserves the Sentry role Big +1 from me


Active Member
I love pasha huge +1 hecould be a huge help in getting proper representation for the turkish loka community


Well-Known Member
+1 I've known Pasha for a while now and there are few people that deserve Sentry as much as he does. Pasha is helpful to his alliance/town, in guide chat and just a great person overall. One of the nicest players I've come across and would only help represent the Turkish community on Loka alongside people like Reiwa. In old alliances that I was in alongside Pasha, he helped the Turkish and English speaking players communicate and I could only think he'd do the exact same but even better as Sentry. seni seviyorum pasha <3


Why do you always talk about Turkishness when applying for slicer or sentry?
Because i believe that i can be the bridge between turkish and english community.I am doing my Best with the current roles i have but with better roles I can do better job that is why i always talk about turkishness in my applications


Well-Known Member
Because i believe that i can be the bridge between turkish and english community.I am doing my Best with the current roles i have but with better roles I can do better job that is why i always talk about turkishness in my applications
Hasn’t like 99% of Loka been translated to turkish


Warning them In Turkish (with english translation of that sentence of course) and as i said imagine you are a new player who would you listen more a Sentry or a Settler of course a sentry that is Why i want to be a sentry and if i become Sentry new Turkish players would listen me more. Let me give you an example, talking generally someone made a rule break or other stuffs, If i warn them with my slicer role in dms They would care But They would care more if i am sentry so that is why


Well-Known Member
Warning them In Turkish (with english translation of that sentence of course) and as i said imagine you are a new player who would you listen more a Sentry or a Settler of course a sentry that is Why i want to be a sentry and if i become Sentry new Turkish players would listen me more. Let me give you an example, talking generally someone made a rule break or other stuffs, If i warn them with my slicer role in dms They would care But They would care more if i am sentry so that is why
So your just gonna warn people but in Turkish.
The Loka staff system is very confusing to new players slicer and sentry they don’t really have a system of how that works


So your just gonna warn people but in Turkish.
The Loka staff system is very confusing to new players slicer and sentry they don’t really have a system of how that works
No I didnt say that as i said it is one of the main reasons i want to become a sentry but not the only reason and with manipulating the facts like this wont work on me since i know and the people know that i am very active within community and guide chat and try to help everyone not only the Turks
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