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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

September 11th, Day 1403: Rubus xanthocarpus

Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we have another species of bramble, this one native to central and south China. In a weird twist though it has also been naturalized to some regions of Poland. These fruits can be eaten raw, taste similar to raspberries and are used in wines and preserves.

Fruit Tier: B
September 13th, Day 1405: Sanguisorba officinalis

Fruit Info: For the next fruit of the day I give you the great burnet. This fruit is a native of many different cold regions throughout the entire northern hemisphere. It can be found on three different continents, Asia, Europe and North America. The plant that grows it is cultivated for properties like the erosion control of its roots.

Fruit Tier: A
September 14th, Day 1406: Sarcopoterium spinosum

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have prickly burnet, also known as the spiny burnet and thorny burnet. It belongs to a monotypic genus. It is commonly found in the southeast Mediterranean and to the Middle East.

Fruit Tier: A
September 15th, Day 1407: Torminalis glaberrima

Fruit Info: This fruit of the day today is a the only species in its genus, which is referred to being as being monotypic. It is a native to parts of Europe, parts of Northern Africa, and Western Asia. The fruits are also called Chequers, they are edible and taste similar to dates.

Fruit Tier: C
September 16th, Day 1408: Torminalis Rubus parvifolius

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the Japanese bramble, also known as the Australian Raspberry. This fruit is shockingly a native of both Eastern Asia and Australia. It is supposed to have a fairly pleasant flavor and is used in sauces and jams.

Fruit Tier: B

September 17th, Day 1409: Rubus phoenicolasius

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the Japanese Wineberry, or the wine raspberry. It is a a native of China, Japan and Korea. It is technically not a berry at all but rather an aggregate fruit of a bunch of small drupelets.

Fruit Tier: B
September 18th, Day 1410: Rubus pectinellus

Fruit Info: Today’s fruit of the day is the atibulnak, and it is a species of bramble native to Japan, southern China, Taiwan, and the Philippines. The fruits are edible, either raw or cooked, and have a pleasant flavor. It is eaten as a culinary vegetable in the Philippines.

Fruit Tier: D
September 19th, Day 1411: Rubus pedatus

Fruit Info: This next fruit of the day is a native of North America. It is a species of raspberry known as the creeping raspberry, the strawberryleaf raspberry, and the five-leaved bramble. Like the other species of raspberry, this fruit is made up of a small cluster of drupelets. These fruits are, in fact, edible.

Fruit Tier: E

September 20th, Day 1412: Rubus probus

Fruit Info: For this next fruit of the day we will be featuring the Atherton Raspberry, also known as the wild raspberry. This fruit is cultivated in Australia a little bit as a cold weather fruit in the winter. It is a bright red aggregate fruit and it is native to Queensland and Malesia.

Fruit Tier: E
September 21st, Day 1413: Earth Wind and Fire Berry

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have one that I doubt many of you remembered. This fruit on this 21st day of September is the earth wind and fire berry. It was originally discovered November 18th, 1978.

Fruit Tier: S

September 22nd, Day 1414: Cercocarpus betuloides

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the Mountain Mahogany’s fruit. This fruit is a tubular achene with a long long plume like flower style. It’s scientific name essentially means “fruit with tail.”

Fruit Tier: C
September 23rd, Day 1415: Cercocarpus ledifolius

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the fruit of the curl leaf mahogany. These fruits are a long, skinny, fuzzy achene. The oldest of the specimens that grows this fruit are thought to be around 1350 years old.

Fruit Tier: C

September 24th, Day 1416: Cercocarpus montanus

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have another one of these weird, fuzzy, wormy, lanky things that are supposedly “fruit.” It is a native of northern Mexico and the western United States. If I have to look at another fruit like this it’s getting an F rank.

Fruit Tier: C

September 26th, Day 1418: Dried Fruit

Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we have the dried fruit, originating from the world of Paper Mario. They are exclusively dropped by pokeys, indicating that these may be their fruit.

Fruit Tier: B

September 27th, Day 1419: Prunus ulmifolia

Fruit Info: For today’s fruit of the day we have a species that is closely related to the plum and the nectarine. This fruit has “stones finely pitted” so if you know what that means let me know. The fruits also don’t split when ripe like one of it’s closest relative species.

Fruit Tier: S

September 28th, Day 1420: Prunus napaulensis

Fruit Info: This fruit of the day is a species of bird cherry, and it is a native to the eastern foothills of the Himalayas, where it is able to grow in Nepal, Myanmar, and China. It comes by many names, some include jangali aru, arupate, sohiong, and sajong.

Fruit Tier: S

September 29th, Day 1421: Prunus padus

Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we have a relative of the nectarine. It is known as the Bird Cherry, the Hackberry, and the Hagberry. It is a native of Northern Europe and northern and northeast Asia.

Fruit Tier: B

September 30th, Day 1422: Prunus serotina

Fruit Info: The wild black cherry, the rum, the mountain black cherry are all names for our newest fruit of the day. Despite these names though it is not that closely related to any of the commonly cultivated forms of cherry. It is widespread throughout North America and South America, the fruit is also edible and often used as a drink mixer, hence the name rum cherry.

Fruit Tier: B
