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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

August 22nd, Day 1383: Rubus canadensis

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we usage the Canadian Blackberry, also known as the Smooth Blackberry, and the Thornless Blackberry. It is a native of central and eastern Canada and the eastern United States. Many different animals are known to feed on these fruits.

Fruit Tier: B
August 23rd, Day 1384: Rubus chamaemorus

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the cloudberry, also known as the Nordic berry, or the bakeapple. When unripe this fruit is a red color, but it becomes bright orange when fully ripe. The fruit is considered a delicacy but is not widely cultivated still. It primarily grows in arctic areas.

Fruit Tier: B

August 24th, Day 1385: Rubus coreanus

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the bokbunja. It is also referred to as the Korean Bramble or Korean Blackberry. It is native to Korea, Japan, and China. The grown fruit can be used for bokbunja ju which is a Korean fruit wine. It also has long been used as an alternative medicine.

Fruit Tier: B
August 25th, Day 1386: Rubus crataegifolius

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have a species of raspberry known as the Korean raspberry. The fruit is edible and one of its varieties with larger fruits is the primary one grown. It is a native to East Asia.

Fruit Tier: B

August 27th, Day 1388: Rubus deliciosus

Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we have the boulder raspberry, also known as the Rocky Mountain raspberry, the snowy bramble, and the delicious raspberry. The fruit is rather dry and texture and not really highly valued. The wild ones are generally unappealing in taste. Ironic.

Fruit Tier: F

August 28th, Day 1389: Rubus ellipticus

Fruit Info: Our fruit of the day here is known as the ainselu. It is also known as the golden evergreen raspberry and the golden Himalayan raspberry. It’s native range stretches from the Indian subcontinent to southern China and the Philippines. The fruit is sweet but not widely cultivated because it perishes quickly after being plucked.

Fruit Tier: S

August 29th, Day 1390: Rubus flagellaris

Fruit Info: The northern dewberry, also known as the common dew berry, is a species native to North America.it can be found across Canada, the United States, and Mexico. The ripe berries can be eaten raw and “used in pies and preservatives.”

Fruit Tier: S
September 4th, Day 1396: Rubus hispidus

Fruit Info: Today’s fruit of the day is referred to as the swamp dewberry, the bristly dewberry, the bristly groundberry, the groundberry, the hispid swamp blackberry, or the running swamp blackberry. It is a native of North America. The fruits are edible and consumed by many animals, but they are very bitter and not usually used culinarily. They can also be used to produce a dull blue dye.

Fruit Tier: C
September 5th, Day 1397: Rubus illecebrosus

Fruit Info: Originating in Japan, today’s fruit of the day is another relative of the raspberry and the blackberry. Some of the common names for it include the strawberry raspberry and the balloonberry. It has become naturalized over time to a handful of regions in North America.

Fruit Tier: B
September 6th, Day 1398: Rubus rosifolius

Fruit Info: For today’s fruit of the day we have the roseleaf bramble, the Mauritius raspberry, the thimbleberry, Vanuatu raspberry, and the bramble of the cape. It is native to East Asia, the Himalayas, and Eastern Australia. The fruits are edible.

Fruit Tier: A
September 8th, Day 1400: Rubus spectabilis

Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we have the salmonberry. It is a species of bramble and relative of the blackberry and raspberry that is a native of the west coast of North America and its range stretches as far inland as Idaho. They are edible when ripe (be it to full redness or just gold coloration) and can be consumed when raw or cooked.

Fruit Tier: D

September 9th, Day 1401: Rubus ulmifolius

Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we have another species of bramble. It is known by the common names of elmleaf blackberry and thornless blackberry. It is originally native to Europe and select regions of North Africa. The fruit is a compound drupe.

Fruit Tier: E
September 10th, Day 1402: Rubus ursinus

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the California blackberry/California dewberry. There are many different cultivars of the fruit, all with slightly different native ranges, but they are all at least found in some part of California.

Fruit Tier: B