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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

July 16th, Day 1347: Fragaria vesca

Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we have the woodland strawberry. This fruit grows throughout much of the northern hemisphere. It is edible, in fact the second part of its scientific name comes from the Latin word that means “to eat.”

Fruit Tier: S
July 17th, Day 1348: Fragaria daltoniana

Fruit Info: Tofay for our fruit of the day we have an unusual species of strawberry that is a native to the Himalayas. It is one of the few strawberries that has cold resistance, but it must come at a cost because the fruit tastes bad and has no real economic value.

Fruit Tier: S

July 18th, Day 1349: Fragaria moschata

Fruit Info: Here for our fruit of the day we have the musk strawberry. This is a tiny little strawberry that is cultivated commercially in very small quantities. It is primarily grown for gourmet cooking because of its intense flavor and smell. It is also a native of Europe.

Fruit Tier: S
July 19th, Day 1350: Fragaria iinumae

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have a species of strawberry that is native to Japan and Russia. This fruit was first discovered in Japan on Mount Nōgōhaku.

Fruit Tier: S

July 20th, Day 1351: Fragaria orientalis

Fruit Info: Here we have another species of strawberry for our fruit of the day. This one is a tetraploid species native to Eastern Asia and Eastern Siberia. Wikipedia also describes the fruit as being “Hemispheric to obviate.”

Fruit Tier: S
July 21st, Day 1351: Fragaria chiloensis

Fruit Info: The Chilean strawberry, also known as the beach strawberry, is our fruit of the day today. It is a native of the west coasts of North America and South America. It is edible and sold as a delicacy in some South American produce stands according to Wikipedia.

Fruit Tier: S
July 22nd, Day 1352: Geum urbanum

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have wood avens. These fruits grow in temperate regions of North America and Eurasia. These fruits have a bur that sticks to the fur of animals.

Fruit Tier: S

Here’s a bonus picture of the fruit stuck to a dog.

July 24th, Day 1354: Geum macrophylkum

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have Geum macrophyllum. This fruit is a native of the area ranging from the southern parts of the arctic to the northern United States. These fruits function a lot like tiny balls of Velcro with their ability to stick to things.

Fruit Tier: B

July 25th, Day 1355: Geum rivale

Fruit Info: Today for our next fruit of the day we have the water avens. This fruit is a native of temperate regions of Europe, Central Asia and some of North America where it grows in meadows and bogs. The seeds of this fruit are very good at sticking to animal’s coats in order to hitch a ride to new ground.

Fruit Tier: B

July 26th, Day 1356: Geum triflorum

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the fruit known as the old man’s whiskers. It is widespread in colder drier regions of North America. Like many of its relatives it uses the same technique for hitching rides on fur coats.

Fruit Tier: C
July 27th, Day 1357: Disguised delicacy

Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we’ll take a quick break and glance over towards the planet PNF-404 again. This time we’ll look at the disguised delicacy which is a native of the distant tundra and the tropical wilds.

Fruit Tier: D

July 28th, Day 1358: Hedlundia lonetalensis

Fruit Info: Today’s fruit of the day is a lovely round and red colored little thing that grows on a tree or shrub. It is a native of Europe, but I don’t have any specific details on where in Europe.

Fruit Tier: D

July 30th, Day 1360: Hedlundia hybrida

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the Finnish Whitebeam, also known as the oak leave mountain ash fruit. This fruit is a native of regions of Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Latvia. The fruit is a form of succulent according to Wikipedia and it is commonly eaten by thrushes.

Fruit Tier: B

July 31st, Day 1361: Hesperomoles ferruginea

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have a species from yet another genus of the Rosacea family. These fruits are a native of the Andes Mountains and resemble little red apples.

Fruit Tier: B

August 1st, Day 1362: Hesperomoles obtusifolia

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have yet another member of the genus Hesperomoles. These fruits are a native to South America. They are also edible and can be eaten when picked freshly off the bush.

Fruit Tier: C
August 2nd, Day 1363: Karpatiosorbus latifolia

Fruit Info: For today’s fruit of the day we have the fruit of the wide leaved whitebeam. This fruit is found in France in the region south of Paris. This fruit is edible and has been sold in markets until the 1950s.

Fruit Tier: C

August 3rd, Day 1364: Karpatiosorbus badensis

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have a fruit the grows on a plant. The plant that grows this fruit is native to Germany. This is all the Wikipedia article about it says.

Fruit Tier: C