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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

June 29, Day 1330: Pyracantha angustifolia

Fruit Info: With one of the cooler names I’ve seen for a fruit in a while, we have the narrow-leaf firethorn fruit. These fruits are bitter and astringent leaving them inedible to human beings. They are, however, a valuable source of food for birds and other animals.

Fruit Tier: S

June 30th, Day 1331: Pyracantha coccinea

Fruit Info: For today’s fruit we have the scarlet firethorn. This fruit is a native of Europe, where it had been cultivated for gardens since the 16th century. This fruit is bitter and astringent enough to render it inedible when raw, but can be cooked to produce things like jelly, marmalade, and sauces.

Fruit Tier: S

July 1st, Day 1332: Pyracantha fortuneana

Fruit Info: Here for our next fruit of the day we have the Chinese firethorn or the Yunnan firethorn. The plant that grows this fruit is often cultivated specifically for this pome. Or apparently also is not tolerant to frost.

Fruit Tier: S

July 2nd, Day 1333: Pyracantha erenulata

Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we have the Himalayan firethorn, also known as the Nepal firethorn. This fruit has a native range stretching from regions of Pakistan to regions of China and India. The fruit serves primarily as fruit from birds, and each one usually contains 5 triangular shaped seeds.

Fruit Tier: S

July 3nd, Day 1334: Pyracantha rogersiana

Fruit Info: Here for our next fruit of the day we have the Asian Firethorn. This fruit is a native of Western China. These little yellow berries are largely ornamental to people, and the plant that grows them is often found in parks, yards and other such locations.

Fruit Tier: S
July 4th, Day 1776 1335: Pyracantha koidzumii

Fruit Info: For this fruit of the day we have the last of the Firethorns, specifically we have the Formosa Firethorn, also called the Taiwan Firethorn. What better to celebrate the fireworks on Independence Day (for you US citizens) than with this concluding firethorns. And speaking of the US, this fruit is actually invasive over there.

Fruit Tier: S

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July 5th, Day 1336: Aronia arbutifolia

Fruit Info: Here for our next fruit of the day we have another species from the rose genus. It is a native of North America where it is referred to as the red chokeberry. It is highly bitter and acidic but still technically edible raw. Although, usually anyone who cooks with it opts to put it into a jelly or some such thing.

Fruit Tier: C

July 6th, Day 1337: Aronia melanocarpa

Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we have our second species from this genus. It is a native of eastern North America where it serves as food for birds. According to Wikipedia it’s flavor is astringent but improves with sugar.

Fruit Tier: D
July 7th, Day 1338: Aronia prunifolia

Fruit Info: For our next fruit of the day we have what is believed to be a hybrid of two other species. This fruit is also another native to the North American continent. It is considered its own species because it is sometimes found in regions of North America where neither of its parents are in. Like its relatives it is highly astringent and while it can be eaten raw it’s usually better to cook it first.

Fruit Tier: D
July 8th, Day 1339: x Sorbaronia fallaz

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have an artificial hybrid. It is a hybrid between Aronia melanocarpa and Sorbus aucuparia. This fruit is more robust than its wild relatives with a notably larger size than them. It is suitable for wine, juice and jam making.

Fruit tier: B

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July 9th, Day 1340: Sorbus aucuparia

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the mountain ash fruit, also known as the Rowan fruit. It is native to regions of Europe, Asia and even North Africa. This fruit is used in various dishes and beverages, but only some of its cultivars. The image below show an edible cultivar and a non edible cultivar.

Fruit tier: D
July 10th, Day 1341: Coleogyne ramosissima

Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we have the blackbush fruit. This particular fruit is a native of the deserts of the southwestern United States. It is the only member of this monotypic genus.

Fruit tier: D

July 11th, Day 1342: Comarum palustre

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the purple marshlocks fruit for our fruit of the day. It is found in cool and temperate regions of North America, Europe and Asia. It is most often found near some source of water.

Fruit Tier: B

July 12th, Day 1343: Cormus domestica

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the fruit of the sorb tree, and this I will be referring to it as the sorb. The sorb is a species of pome. The sorb also grows in the shape of an apple or a pear depending on circumstances.

Fruit Tier: A

July 13th, Day 1344: Cydonia oblonga

Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we have another member of the rosacea family. This fruit, the quince, is a native of the Hyrcanian forests south of the Caspian Sea. It is used in a variety of things including marmalades. It is the sole member of its genus.

Fruit Tier: A

July 14th, Day 1345: Sxochorda korolkowii

Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we have another member of the rosacea family. This fruit is the fruit of what is commonly referred to as the pearl bush. It has a wide natural range that has been fragmented due to habitat loss.

Fruit Tier: S
