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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head


Well-Known Member
I never realised this thread got so out of control, im deeply sorry for all of you having to suffer like this, just give the man a Cryptite head already!


Well-Known Member
May 29th, Day 14: Today we have the pear as our fruit. The pear is a deceitful creature running such events like raffles forcing the innocent to spend all their money on an empty promise of a "grand prize". If you find a pear in the wild then it's best for you to run away as the pear is most likely about to ban you for "hacking". If you must fight back against a pear the best way to do so is asking them to "posture check", this makes the pear uncomfortable and they will be stunned as they fix their posture.
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still haven't done a pear...


Well-Known Member
June 15th, Day 31 AND THE ONE MONTH CELEBRATION!!!!: Today's fruit to celebrate is the superior Raspberry... the Strawber- (oh I've done that already???). Ok, then the cherry on the cake! (Done that one already too... damn). The Sauce to the Meatball... The Tomato Sau- (We've seriously already done Tomato's?).

Should've saved the Ice Cream Bean for today to have something kinda related to this whole anniversary.

In that case, Watermelon is our totally relevant fruit for today!

Thank you all for following this grand journey... it's always important to remember that this isn't about the journey, it's about getting to the destination which is, of course, the glorious Crypt head!
We're just getting started so stay tuned!


Well-Known Member
June 16th, Day 32: Today's fruit is the Wolfia, the smallest fruit in the world. Just like my chances of getting a crypt head from this!

(Note: the fingers in this image, believe it or not, are not part of the fruit... just there for a size comparison!)