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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

have you ever missed a day
Between Evil_X, Foxy, and I, no we haven’t. It’s pretty amazing and sad at the same time.

December 15th, Day 940: Red River Fig

Fruit Info: Also known as the cluster fig, and gular, today’s fruit Ficus racemosa is another Australia and Asia native fig. This fruit is oftentimes eaten as a culinary vegetable.

Fruit Tier: D

December 16th, Day 941: Sycamore Fig

Fruit Info: For the fruit of the day today you get the sycamore fig/fig-mulberry, scientifically dubbed Ficus sycomorus. This fruit can be found in Africa north of the Tropic of Capricorn and south of the Sahel. This fruit has likely been cultivated since ancient times, and is what is referred to in the Christian Bible when it mentions the sycamore.

Fruit Tier: C

December 19th, Day 944: Large-Leaved Rock Fig

Fruit Info: Ficus abutilifolia, known as the Large-Leaved Rock Fig, is going to be our fruit today. This fruit is a native to Africa, where the line of the equator helps divide the two subcategories of the fruit clearly. One variety of this fig lives north of the equator and one Licea south of it.

Fruit Tier: B

December 22nd, Day 947: Bird Cherry

Fruit Info: Today we have the bird cherry / hagberry / hack berry as our fruit of the day today. This fruit comes in two different varieties, the European one and the Asian one. Prunus padus also is not usually eaten, but it’s consumption may have a been a lot more common around 2500 years ago.

Fruit Tier: A

December 23rd, Day 948: Choke Cherry

Fruit Info: Why Prunus virginiana is called the choke cherry I don’t know I’m not sure I want to know. This fruit also has a ton of different names, so many that I’d rather not list them all out here. It’s also unsurprisingly a native to North America. So I guess if you want substantial info go check it out on Wikipedia.

Fruit Tier: C

December 24th, Day 949: Hollyleaf Cherry

Fruit Info: Today we have the evergreen cherry, Prunus ilicifolia. It is a native to some costal regions of California. The plant that grows this fruit has similar characteristics, especially in terms of leaves, to that of the Holly. This inspired the name of the purple-ish, black-ish, red-ish drupe you see here.

Fruit Tier: C

December 25th, Day 950: Santa Claus Melon

Fruit Info: To celebrate Yuletide this year we have the Santa Claus Melon! It is variety of melon that originated in Spain weirdly enough. It has a mild melon flavor similar to that of a honeydew melon. Cucumis melo is named after the holiday figure as a vague reference to the fact that this fruit can stay edible until near or after Yuletide time.

Fruit Tier: S

Unfortunately this fruit is very uninteresting to look at, so below we’ve included an actual picture of the fruit, followed by an artistic rendering of our proposed redesign to the fruit.



Happy Yuletide Loka!
December 27th, Day 952: Balamte

Fruit Info: Today’s fruit of the day is the Balamte. This particular fruit is a species of cacao fruit that is found all over South America. Although Theobroma bicolor has historically been grown by the Aztecs to use its seeds for chocolate, when introduced to the Spaniards they considered ifs product to be of a lower quality.

Fruit Tier: B

December 28th, Day 953: Cupuaçu

Fruit Info: Theobroma grandiflorum is today’s fruit of the day. It is another relative of the cacao fruit. This fruit is native to the Amazon basin and is grown natively through various regions of South America. The pulp of the fruit is consumed throughout Central and South America for use in ice cream, snack bars, and more.

Fruit Tier: B

December 29th, Day 954: Theobroma speciosum

Fruit Info: This fruit of the day is another relative of the cacao fruit. This fruit’s seeds can also be used to produce cocoa powder or butter. Perfect for the creation of chocolate. But the actual flesh of this fruit is also eaten, primarily by the Ka’apor and Tacana peoples. The fruit capsules can also be used to make soap and deodorant, so this has to be one of the most useful fruits yet.

Fruit Tier: S

December 30th, Day 955: Bay Cedar Fruit

Fruit Info: Guazuma ulmifolia is todays fruit of the day. Perhaps the most common way of consuming this fruit is in Puerto Rico where it is fed to domesticated cattle and pigs as part of its slop. The fruit is also consumable by humans and has a mild crunchy yet sweet flavor.

Fruit Tier: C

December 31st, Day 956: Bushrue

Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we have the Bushrue, Cneoridium dumosum. This fruit is the only species in its whole genus, and is in the same family as the citrus fruits. This fruit is classified as threatened in the endangered species list due to urbanization of its native habitat.

Fruit Tier: B

January 1st, Day 957: Wild Daffodil Fruit

Fruit Info: Today’s fruit of the day is the fruit of the wild daffodil Narcissus pseudonarcissus. This fruit is interest not only because of the fact that you almost never the think about daffodils producing fruit. Instead this fruit is interesting because the flower that produces it is associated with fresh starts. It’s a symbol of new beginnings and starting over. Perfect to start off the new year.

Fruit Tier: B


Happy New Year Loka!