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qaag's unban appeal and apology

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New Member
Banned IGN: Naz1HitIer
Current IGN: qaag
Ban Reason: Innapropriate IGN was main reason, account sharing (allowed alt eternalPVP_), alting (stufyyyy)

First reason: Innapropriate IGN
Second reason: Account Sharing
Third Reason: alting / ban evading
First of all, I want to apologize for all the rules I didn't follow. I apologize for all the crap I've done and I'm sorry.
I didn't know that the first two reasons I was banned weren't allowed and the 3rd reason why I was banned was me ban evading / alting because I was just trying to play Loka again, it wasn't a good idea because that didn't help me at all in getting unbanned so I apologize and I promise I won't break the rules ever again. LokaMC please forgive me and please consider in unbanning me.
Thanks alot!


Active Member
-1 you were told you had to wait awhile before trying to unban again if you wanted your unban to be successful, and instead you have now tried again less then a month after you previous 3 appeals were rejected.


New Member
-1 you were told you had to wait awhile before trying to unban again if you wanted your unban to be successful, and instead you have now tried again less then a month after you previous 3 appeals were rejected.
Its been over a month u can check urself
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