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No Plans to Implement Races


Well-Known Member
I was kidding lol. A good chuckle every now and then is good for the soul. AC I don’t get me wrong, I like the idea. I think its great, but in the aspect of the likelihood of this being added is slim. I know because I tried to push something similar to this before. I know your whole post was not focused souly on race and roleplay but that part I vibed with the most so


Old One
Staff member
Old One
While it is a cool and interesting suggestion, I would make the argument changing PvP away from vanilla and introducing abilities etc makes PvP and Loka far less accessible to players. We did have very serious discussions internally about changing PvP to a mix between talents and vanilla a few years ago, but decided not to for a number of reasons. It's a massive barrier to entry if you are new to the server having to learn a new combat system and it's also difficult for us to retain the combat system if Mojang changes anything to do with combat in vanilla. It would lock us into an MC version and we would not be able to update. Having said that if Mojang does screw up the next big PvP system, we will seriously consider having a unique version of combat on Loka. How far we go with changing things is another story. It may just be adjusting numbers, it could be abilities, who knows.

I do think it's important to note, however you change PvP, there will always elite PvPers at the top. People will learn to min max and thinking changing a system will make PvP more casual friendly is naive. Granted you can attempt to lower the skill ceiling, but adding more complexities tends to have the opposite effect.