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Recruiting a merry band of chaos gremlins to help me sink Seafire into the Sea! 🌊🌊💥


Hail Lokans!

In the days of yore I led Amberfell to become Loka's first world capital, proposed internal town portals and was perhaps the reason ocean towns were nerfed and then removed owing to the ludicrousness my shenanigans in the Fourth Age...

*Cough * Flying Ocean T-Gens *Cough*


Since returning to the server from my near 8 year break I have been working on Seafire in the Marshes of Ascalon. Now for a town with *Sea* in the name there is an awful lot of dry land…

I am seeking to recruit a band of absolute chaos gremlins to help me flood the majority of the tile into the sea. The town itself will be an island fortress, completely cut off from the mainland.

Not quite the excessive 2.5k blocks in all directions of my first town but I'll take it!

Perks include:
A functionally limitless supply of shovels.
Access to our mending Exp bank.
Cheap gear.
Potential for Town leadership promotions.
A mature and friendly community.
Our booze stockpile - which had absolutely nothing to do with the silliness of this venture.

Hypotemabus and his obsession with putting things in the Sea.

Incidentally, DM Hypotemabus on Discord if you want in!