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So I've been mulling in my head the idea of 'ruins' for a long time. I suppose the spark that made me really want to try to incorporate it was having fun with The Reach recently. I believe we discussed it briefly, but I've thought of some pros and cons as to why this may or may not work and I'd like your ideas and thoughts.

The idea: After a generator dies or perhaps even when a generator is unpowered for awhile, the 'town' in the generator's protected radius begins to decay into ruins after a period of time elapses.

The hows:
  • Stone bricks turn to cracked or mossy stone brick, other blocks may decay in some way as well (ideas on what-to-what?)
  • Cobwebs form in corners of buildings
  • Vines slowly begin to form in random areas and then spread naturally
  • Trees grow where they can

The catches:
  • When a generator dies, block protection stays online, forever. (To preserve the shape of the town and prevent it from being completely ripped apart by people.
  • HOWEVER, certain valuable blocks can be broken and looted (gold blocks, endstone, that kind of thing).
  • Methods of entry, however, will change. For example:
  • --Tnt can be placed anywhere (preferably right in front of walls for necessary entry).
  • --Any door block can be broken as usual.
  • --Obsidian can be broken as well, ensuring that obsidian encased vaults don't remain impregnable
  • --Other ideas here.

So the idea is that towns can decay in a very cool way, but the town can still be broken into and stolen from, just in a hopefully less explosive and destructive way. Hopefully people using TNT to break into old towns will use it sparingly, especially since they won't need to cannon in and risk blowing up unnecessary things.

What do you guys think?
I really like this idea, perhaps in order to make people who want to live in their town without protection could have a sort of backup gen which allows town members to break blocks and place them freely but also allows others to place TNT and use all the doors and other stuff.

The "backup" could be like 25% of tthe original gen costs BUT there is a risk of something bad happening the more you use it.