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No Plans to Implement Sand QOL Enhancements

unless your mining the most innefficient way possible it shouldn't be much more than that
Aight you go time yourself mining sand for 10 hours. lmk how much you get. :)

At this point you not even addressing the suggestion.
yeah yeah you only say this because they took away your auto sand collector outside ur town buddy LETS SEE THE SAND DIGGING STATS HOW MUCH HAVE YOU MINED BECAUSE I DONT THINK ITS THAT MUCH get to diggin like the rest of us

edit: every1 else has alrdy calld u out on most of the stuff i said wow i lov this comunity
Aight you go time yourself mining sand for 10 hours. lmk how much you get. :)

At this point you not even addressing the suggestion.
changing vanilla mechanics so towns can make megabuilds easier is not valid

so much of lokas process is already sped up, via infinite pearls, infinite rockets, a SAFE TOWN AREA, portals void storage, the list goes on. You should have to gather the sand normally, and just do the mathematics jakeman not my fault you suck at mining sand
this just numbr where screenshot say u mine dis many sand lets see whol thing
changing vanilla mechanics so towns can make megabuilds easier is not valid
I would like to go outside along with playing loka. If I need to gather that that much sand to make cool things and it is incredibly time consuming thats an L and the server isn't vanilla so that argument don't make sense. We legit have shrines man.
No, that is collected. Since lurnn said I got millions with the sand machine thing.
so you aint even do 10 hour of manual labour and u complaining that's CRAZY, how much mined if me or cthan got more than u, u gotta leave the chat.
I would like to go outside along with playing loka. If I need to gather that that much sand to make cool things and it is incredibly time consuming thats an L and the server isn't vanilla so that argument don't make sense. We legit have shrines man.
idk about you but personally whenever I owned a town with dozens of people I shared the workload! Try it. Not my fault you recruit and have a high maintenance town whilst not getting them to contribute, Meridia a lowkey town and we aint rushin no builds. 30 mins of sand mining a day from each member and you'd probably have enough sand in a matter of weeks lol. Does that fit your going outside?