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Server Texture-Pack

So I should revamp:

Water, Gravel, Glass, Soulsand, and Dirt...

What else?

If you guys have any suggestions at all, I'm all ears :)
Glass blocks are fine the item is just missing. That or they're just so clean.

Edit: Actually one suggestion. I'm more of a fan of clear glass compared to decorative as sometimes it is hard to see through it. Connected textures does help a little but the center is pretty bad.

Jungle logs are interesting.

Mooshrooms now look demonic. Jocelyn will hate you.

Red doesn't suit glowstone lamps.

You said you don't like chests. The normal chests are green while chest carts are red. Perhaps try red on the normal chests?
- ore blocks (the blocks of 9 ingots) need to be uniform, and all the same style, preferably closer to default
- soul sand needs to be more brown
- make beds and chests red
- change jungle logs
- i preferred old sword designs (especially iron)
- nether brick a touch darker
- Stone half slabs need to be a much lighter grey (like default)
- i dont like wool, much preferred old one
- pumpkins still need faces
- OAK WOOD PLANKS NEED TO BE LIGHTER!!! (I would change all planks) (dont seem to be correct colours)

I do like a lot of the changes made, good job.
(and pic axe is much better thanks)
The camera thingy you see behind the main menu is pretty cool but it'd be really awesome to have a fly over of spawn or some other significant place.
@ Mag

Only gold and diamond blocks look similar in the default pack so there should be some variety.

I think only oak and spruce have been switched.

Why do pumpkins need faces when there are jack-o-lanterns?


Smooth and chiseled sandstone has a darker and more worn look to it than sandstone bricks. Is it possible to do that to bricks?

And since I'm being so critical here are some things I really like:

- Compressed ore blocks
- Enchanting tables and brewing stands
- Cave spiders, sheep, wolves, NPC villagers
- Lava
- Slabs
- Armor and swords

Alright, so since you guys like default so much, and because I've been making an honest effort to find what I like within the default texture pack I've made several changes you might like.

-ALL PASSIVE MOBS (Pigs, Cows, Mooshrooms, Chickens) ARE NOW DEFAULT TEXTURE
-Dirt is now a 32x version of the default texture.
-Per Magpie's advice I changed the 9ingot blocks to a uniform style. (I cant say I dislike it, it's growing on me. But I do like variation here and there)
-Wood planks are now the colors they should be. (Matched them up as best I could with default colors)
-Glass has been changed to a simple clear style. (Again I cant say I dislike it, but it's very new to me.)
-Changed the Jungle Log texture.
-Soul Sand is now browner and less graphic.
-Redstone Lamps are different and much better in my opinion.
-Chests are now red on the top with red gems on the front.
-Beds are red again.
-Nether Brick is a touch darker.
-Reverted to the older style wool with the ridges.
-Reverted back to the old items (aside from picks and shears)
-Half slabs are now almost the exact shade/brightness as default.
-Pumpkins are staying the way they are for now, not sure what I should do about that.
-Item changes.

Stone strikes me as a little removed from everything else. I like what you've done with cobblestone, but the stone, like Iron Blocks seems a little too smooth and out of place.

-Changed 9 ingot blocks to a more appealing (but also uniform) style.
-Changed stone/ores.
-Pumpkins have faces.
-Changed tall grass style (much taller now)
-Touched up glowstone lamps

I still need ya'lls input on: Gravel, glass, iron fences, and whatever else you guys dont quite like/fancy

Thanks for keeping up with this, I really appreciate it :)

- Much preferred the old ores and old stone.
- I like the new ore blocks (other than iron)
- I quite like the simple plain glass personally
I thought this was an abandoned world, not Mario.

In my opinion your current ore blocks and

MrAlchemy said:

those compressed blocks are the best. Although stone looks a little too much like a cobble texture. Not the cobble texture you're using but just a cobble texture. They're a bit too dark as well.

Actually it might help to brighten up dirt and grass a tiny bit too.


Lamps = awesomeness.

-Updated Glass. (It's still very much clear but it now has a border, I can undo this easily just check it out)
-Updated Ore (Not sure Magpie will like this, if so just tell me)
-Brightened Grass/Foliage
-Brightened Dirt
-Changed Ore Blocks
-Pumpkins have faces now (Dont know if I like it)
-Changed Stone
-Tiny tweaks and changes

At this point we need to have a vote for consistency so I dont have to go back and forth changing stuff like stone and ores.

As always I am open to suggestion.
Yeah, but that'll take me a bit. If you know a texture pack that has the shades you are interested in seeing just let me know and I'll see how they mash up.

I'm only concerned about swamps which look like tar pits. I'll see if there is a good pack hanging around the forums.

- Just noticed that the leather boot texture is default. Intentional?
I do like your texture pack, but

-The creative menu is bugged out (Doesn't directly affect the server... officially)
-Tripwires are a little too obvious.
- Lava and TNT should probably be a bit more... red, and bright. (But mostly the lava)
Can you please make it so that there's nothing blocking your vision when you put on a pumpkin for a hat? Or at least, very little? Thanks!